[Chapter Twenty-Five] Mari

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Chapter Twenty-Five – Mari

Why the hell did I agree to that? I didn’t want more questions about what happened. I knew my uncle was a cop out here and I avoided the police like the plague and changed my name as soon as I hit eighteen.

Josephine was long gone now.

She was weak and scared and let people hurt her and walk all over her. She ran away like a coward instead of facing her problems. I changed my name and I’m a different person now. Sure I struggle and fall short but I don’t give up like I used to.

I don’t know why I gave it to Lalexia as her middle name; I guess I wanted her to have a part of the rest of her family without them actually being around. I would kill one of them before I let them do to her what they did to me.

Marla came over and I told her what was going on for tomorrow night and it wasn’t a problem since Lex wanted to go over there anyway to sleep over with Eva and Todd was going to a friend’s house too.

They were all growing up so fast and I missed my little baby.

That night I let her come curl up and watch a movie and promised to take her to see How To Train Your Dragon Two Sunday if she was good for Marla. She agreed and I played with her dark curly hair while she fell asleep with her head on my stomach, cuddled up with her bear and blanket.

When she did this I couldn’t get over how precious she was, she was my entire world and I wouldn’t change anything because then I wouldn’t have her.

In the morning I woke up and she was staring down at me which made me jump

“Hi mommy!” she smiled and I groaned, why did I have the one child who loved mornings?

“Hi baby. You want breakfast?” I asked and she nodded

“Can you make French toast?” she asked me

“Sure.” I got up and drug myself to the kitchen to start cooking; it’s a good thing I liked to cook.

“Why was Shawn here?” she asked

“He wanted to talk to me.”

“I like him.” she smiled as she colored in her coloring book.

“I know you do sweetie.”

“Don’t you like him?” she asked confused

“Yeah I like him too.” She seemed content with that answer and I finished breakfast and we spent the day at the park before I took her over to Marla’s house for her sleepover.

“How are you?” she asked and I watched after Lex as she walked in the house

“When did she grow up?” I asked sadly

“I don’t know but she should stop.” She smiled at me and I nodded

“Next thing I know she’s going to be in high school and then graduating and leaving home and then she’ll have her own babies and I just don’t want her to grow up.” I was getting emotional and she hugged me

“I know but she’s going to sweetie and it’s okay.” I leaned into her side and watched her play with Eva

“What If she hates me one day?” I asked

“Why would she hate you?” Marla asked

“Because of who I am.”

“She won’t Mari, one day she’s going to understand and she’s only going to care about how great of a mother you are to her and how much you’ve always loved her. One day she’ll know everything but not anytime soon. You’ll be long out of this life before then.” She told me and I nodded

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