[Chapter Eleven] Mari

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Chapter Eleven – Mari

I cannot believe she suckered us both in and I was freaking out about it. I was a horrible mother for letting him come over for dinner. She held his hand as she pulled him around the store getting what we needed for dinner and when we got to the register he wouldn’t even let me pay for it. I loaded it into the car and he followed me home which I wasn’t too happy about.

I’ve broken almost every rule I made for clients.

He helped bring groceries into my little house and I went with them as Lalexia insisted on giving him a tour

“I believe you have homework missy.” I told her and she groaned

“But mom.” i didn't even let her finish that.

“Nope.” I pointed at the table and complained as she went and did it while I preheated the over

“Nice place.” He told me and I shrugged

“Thanks.” I put the ice cream and stuff away before cooking up the meat.

“I’m not going to kill you and I even left my gun and knife in a compartment on my bike, something I never do.” he told me

“You have a gun and knife!” I hissed in annoyance and fear.

“Of course I do, I keep my knife with me always, it’s saved my life on deployments.”

“How many times have you been deployed?” I asked him

“Seven.” He told me

“In nine years?” I asked

“Yes. Two for a year, the others were a little shorter; most voluntary.”

“Explains a lot.” I stirred the sauce in the pot that I had made and frozen

“You make your own?” he asked me and I nodded

“Lex is allergic to iodine and sometimes they put iodized salt in sauce. I learned that the hard way so I just make it." When it had gotten warm I mixed in the meat, onion and mushroom and spread it at the bottom and layered noodles and cheese and sauce and got it in the oven

“You’re a good mom.” He told me and I smiled as I looked over at her concentrating

“Everything I do is for her.” I said

“Like being sober?” he asked me and I looked at him and nodded

“Yes. I may not have thought I wanted her at the time but she saved my life. I was addicted to cocaine and Heroin and an alcoholic and I stayed clean and sober through my pregnancy and ever since.” We were bonding and it was weird

“I never did drugs but I was an alcoholic, recovering now. I drink sometimes but not like I used to.” he told me like he did that night at dinner

“Smoking’s a bad habit.” I said and he smiled and rolled his eyes

“I thought it wasn’t your job to worry.” he teased and i shrudded

“Yeah well you’re in my house so I can say what I want.” i kept stirring

“Fair point.” he agreed

“If you’re in the Army why are you always free?” I asked him, i've been thinking about that and he sighed

“Medical leave.” He wouldn’t look at me

“What does that mean?” Lalexia asked him and he sighed as he looked at her and glared at me when I held in a laugh

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