Chapter 27: Black Secrets

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Special update:

Dedicated to @yvonneparker
Thanks for the nice introduction and review. Its been long RobStars..

Belated Valentines to everyone.

Single or not...well I'm kinda dating a fictional character right now...haha...


Chapter 27: Black Secrets



I held Raven in my hands as I slowly lay her to bed. My hands are slightly shanking and I put them in my pockets when the rest of the titans entered Raven's room.

"I heard shouting when I walked down here to my room.What happened?" Beastboy was looking worried and so did Cyborg.

"It was this." I showed them the wires that was once attached to Raven. Cyborg studied it for a while.

"My sensors indicate that this was made a couple of days ago. But there are no signs of--" then Raven woke up and sat down.

"It was Blackfire." She stated and I was doubting it was her.

"Maybe not Raven. She was with us the whole time and we never saw her tinkering with wires."

"Where is she now?" She firmly said

"I don't--"

"See! She wasn't here when this happened to me. Then you said she was with you all this time." She has a point buy then...

"We saw her flying. She wasn't with us cause we walked here. She was flying back here..after we..." i couldn't finish the though.

"After we robbed a bank!" Beastboy said in an enthusiastic way as Raven's eyes widened.

"Y-you? Robbed a bank?!" She exclaimed and Cyborg tried to reason out.

"We didn't really robbed the bank. We just scared a few people and waited for the cops and ran away." Cyborg said

"This is completely stupid! You robbed a bank! You! Teen Titans  robbed a bank for Pete's sake and you think it's funny?!"she went berserk. She never lose her temper. Maybe it was the aftermath of the shock or was out actions really that out of bounds.

She calmed down as she began to rub her forehead.

"And why did you not stop them?" She pointed at me. "You're the leader? You should have at least the initiative to stop them." I was at lost for words. I am the leader yet I felt the disgusting urge of exhiliration when the cops chased us.

"I...I..was...distracted." I muttered

"Distracted? By whom? By blackfire? By what? Robbing the bank? By what robin? The feeling of adrenaline rushing through you that you lost the decency of the role as our leader?" I lowered my head. I was ashamed that all she said was true.

"Yes." Raven scoffed but then she sighed.

"Its no use arguing of who went to whom and what happened. Just get out of here so I can meditate." She said and turned our backs. Beastboy left first before Cyborg still looking at the machinery at his hands.

"And robin," she turned her head sightly to look at me.

"Your the leader for a reason. Whatever it is that happened to me is something that cannot be ignored. Keep your guard up for anything or anyone." She stressed anyone and I knew who she meant.

"There are things...I can't tell but there are things that are observing us. I don't know if its real or just my hallucination but I can't tell." She rubbed her head as if trying to fix something broken.

"Y-yea...just...just rest Raven. You need it." And i closed her door as I walked out.

I saw Cyborg waiting for me at the and of the hallway.

"Robin...the scan I made to this thing." He held out he machine

"I found no finerprints." I clenched my jaw. Then it can't be blackfire if there are no fingerprints.

"I found a strand of hair interwined in one of the wires. And it's not gonna be good news." He said and I almost jumped at the evidence.

"Who's DNA is it?" I asked. I felt something pass through. A cold air and a small familiar laugh.

"It's Starfire. It matches with Starfire's DNA."

That just stoped my heart right there and then.

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