Chapter 2: I'm Sorry

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Chapter 2: I'm Sorry

Robin was never in hysterics. He kept a calm mind, but his mind was swarming with thoughts about Starfire. He knew Brother Blood was behind this. If he hadn't escaped prison, maybe he escaped during the battle.

Robin was about to leave when he stepped on something hard. It was a black flat frame that has a message.

"PRESS THIS" it was pointing to a small button on the bottom. Robin was hesitant but to know what happened he has to know what this device is.

The screen blinked and a hologram appeared. He was facing behind but Robin could recognize that cloak from anywhere.

"Brother Blood." Robin said, venom laced through his words.

"Robin I'm so glad to see you again" Brother Blood was smiling .

"Brother Blood. Where's Starfire" Robin was still calming down. Cool off his temper.

"Ah. Starfire the beautiful princess of Tamaran. Why pray tell would I tell you where she is dear Robin" Brother Blood said grinning.

"Brother Blood. Tell him his dear beloved Starfire is resting" Jinx started speaking. Robin got angrier and angrier by the minute.

"TELL ME WHERE STARFIRE IS!" Robin shouted, his shout echoed through small room of Starfire.

"Oh. Such temper dear boy but listen up. Starfire is alright, for now, follow our orders and we will give her back safely "Brother Blood spoke with such distaste

"What do you want?" robin said

"All the teen titan files. All your documents. Give it to us and then you will see Starfire again" Trident said.

"Mmpphh!!!! Mmphh!!! Mpphhh!!!!! Ahhhh!!!! NOOO ROBIN DO NOT!!!!"


"You ignorant little brat! Lock her up!"

"Starfire!!! Let her go!!!"

"Tsk...tsk...Impatient boy, do as we say and remember we need those files with and only you. If any other teen titan comes with you dear Starfire might go to sleep FOREVER" then the call went static.


Robin was left there debating to do the right thing or the wrong thing in the right moment.


"Robin. Where the heck are you??" Cyborg was on the other line. Robin wanted to tell him the problem but the consequence this would give bit he was too concerned about Starfire.

"Dude? You ok?" Beastboy was also concerned.

I can't tell them, for Starfire's sake. I need to go alone.

"Yeah I'm fine you guys keep looking."

"Gotcha dude." then Beastboy's phone went static.

I got to go, there's not much time.

Robin thought to himself. He grabbed all the documents downloaded them on a hard drive and went on his way leaving nothing but echoes of footsteps.

(Minutes later)

Brother Blood said we will wait in the old factory outside Jump City. I hope he'll follow our deal.

"Brother Blood! Show yourself!" Robin shouted

"Ah. If it isn't Robin" a hologram

"So nice of you to join our little reunion"

"Where's Starfire" Robin said

"Oh. Looks like the princess is on her way." Jinx said in the background .

"I'm not giving you these documents if you won't hand over Starfire" Robin said shoving the documents under his cape.

"I don't think so boy"


Robin saw something move then throws something to it. Robin started throwing all of the things he's got when the smoke cleared he got out and planted bombs around the factory.

"You play dirty Brother Blood. Good thing I came prepared" robin set off the bombs.


Debris came flying everywhere then he called the rest of the titans

"Calling titans come here at this old abandoned factory outside Jump City. We've got a criminal to catch" when he ended the call a hologram appeared it was

"Brother Blood?"

"Good job boy." Brother Blood smirked.

"What??" Robin himself was shocked

"What about that?? Looks like your princess came a little early boy; you might have thought she was me. Didn't you??" upon hearing this robin ran to the site where the factory once stood.


Robin destroyed the hologram and dug around the debris and saw the black caped shadow he was fighting. As soon as she uncovered it he saw a cloth of Starfire's clothes

"Starfire I'm sorry" robin said holding the last thing that reminds him of her

He heard sounds and wind blowing and footsteps that were coming to him

"Robin? What happened here??" Robin turned and saw Beastboy, Raven and Cyborg.

"I-I----" Robin can't make out the words

"Where's Starfire?" Beastboy asked, "Robin?" then he saw what Robin was holding

"Did you?----you couldn't?------but------" Beastboy stopped

"Starfire. Won't be with us for awhile." Robin said

"What happened?" Raven spoke.

"Nothing." Robin left with his motorcycle, leaving them behind.

"Cyborg, do you really----" Beastboy asked

"Dunno Beastboy I guess robin made a grave mistake" Cyborg said

"Let's go home guys"

They left the abandoned factory...leaving Starfires memories along with it.

(2 weeks later)

I'm sorry Starfire I didn't mean to. I never get the chance to----I'm sorry. I hope you will forgive me Starfire.

Robin thought. Robin stood on the site where Starfire died, leaving a basket of white flowers.

I'm still hoping you're not dead you know. Your just hiding somewhere or maybe in Tamaran

Robin went to Starfire's room. Everyone seemed gloomy Beastboy won't play videogames. Cyborg is still tracing the location of Brother Blood and the ones who helped him even Raven haven't talked to anyone.

Since you left everyone's different, even I changed.

Robin sat on Starfire's bed and saw something under her pillow.

"Starfire's Diary??" Robin said.

He opened the last memory of Starfire.





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