Chapter 28: Once Again

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Hello dearies :3

Before you read I'd like to apologize for the delay of update.

My phone was confiscated by my mom and so was my laptop so I've been itchin to update this.

Thanks for the reads, comments, votes and adding this to your RL

DEDICATED TO : (for now) all of you

Chapter 28: Once Again

"The DNA matches with Starfire's."

"The DNA matches with Starfire's."

"The DNA matches with Starfire's."

these words keept on repeating in my head. I don't know if it was true. Don't know if fates have a grudge on me or something but I couldn't let myself believe in those 5 words that came out of Cyborg's mouth.

It just can't be starfire's DNA...she's in Tamaran.

I was so deep in thought that I never heard Blackfire enter.

"Hey," I jumped a bit, startled by her and then collected my composure.

"Uh...hey...Blackfire." I said her name in a slow motion. She didn't seem to notice or she just shruged it off.

"Why are you here again?" Blackfire asked, I just shrugged and sighed.

Don't accuse someone of something they didn't do.

The words kept swirling in my head. Raven looked so frustrated, Cyborg was looking grave as he about the DNA and Balckfire was acting like there was nothing to worry about.

"Blackfire...can I trust you?" I blurted out all of a sudden. She looked taken aback for a second and something passed through her eyes before she smiled and nodded.

"I'm here to lend a shoulder if you ever need to cry y'know." She spread out her arms and pouted. I laughed at her and what she did.

"There's that laugh." She pointed and looked above. Jump City was filled with lights but the view of the starts above Titan tower was beautiful.

I was about to ask her another question regarding if she had any connection to what happened to Raven but ahe suddenly stood up, startled.

"I forgot! I--I have to go," she left just as quick as she entered.

For a moment, I forgot what Cyborg said.

For a moment, it was me and my thoughts

And my thoughts aren't exactly as clear as what I think.

"I wish I could forget you." I whispered as the wind blew past me. The thoughts if her as an enemy was beyond me. If I had a chance to forget, I'd take it. So when time comes when we have to fight.

I won't hesitate to attack if you moved first.



"How are they?" The sweet voice whom once I adored and hated are mixed together. It was as if everything was back to normal.

"Did you do what I asked?" But nothing was ever the same. Now this happened.

"Yes, they seem to suspect me but they have no evidence." I did clear any trace of evidence before I left.

"Wouldn't want them to know who was behind this am I right?" She gave a small sinister laugh. I recalled the times she joked about being evil. Now it was nothing but plain reality.

"What are your intentions behind this?" I asked but there was a tinge of plea in my voice.

"Revenge. For whatever they did to me." She said with venom lacing through every words

What could they possibly do to make her think this way?


"No more talk about this nonesense." She boomed.

"Maybe it's time for me to go visit where I once was." She sneered and ended the call.

I threw the phone out of my hands. I was so conflicted. I didn't know what to do or say. I was afraid.

"Make me forget. At least these memories. Make me forget this nightmare." I whispered as the light of the moon wrap the room in a dim light.

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