Chapter 32: Foes and Allies

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Chapter 32: Foes and Allies


The sound was loud and Starfire was grinning while floating atop of me.

"Let there be war." I tried standing but I was too badly injured. I can't fight in these conditions. I know I'll end up worse or yet killed.

"ROBIN!" I saw Cyborg throw a retractable rope from his arm. I grabbed it and he sends me right to his side.

"How did you—"then there were sounds of gunshots

"No time. I'll explain later for now we have to get out of here!" Cyborg pointed at the direction of a Tamarian vessel. It was small but enough for me and Cyborg.

"Hurry!" he said as Starfire and her army followed as they tried to prevent us from leaving.

"Don't let them escape! Don't let any of them escape!" Starfire ordered and the others obeyed. It was as if she was being controlled.

"Blackfire, fire up the engine!." Cyborg said in his intercom and I looked at him shocked.

"Blackfire?! She's a—"I was stopped

"Traitor? I know. But now she's a traitor to them and now in our side. She helped me. And you can't believe what she said." I looked at Blackfire managing the controls. Limping and aching sometimes yet she tried her best.

"I want to know." I said firmly

"Yeah, I figured but first can we get out of here first." It wasn't a question it was a statement.

We hopped onto the vessel leaving Starfire's rage and chaos. For I know this War she says, is not over.

"We made it." Cyborg huffed and went to the ship controls where Blackfire was.

"Blackfire we made—"Blackfire was sprawled on the floor. Her bruises are still visible and her forehead was bleeding.

"We need medication now!" Cyborg was tending to her bleeding forehead. I gave him all the things he need and looked for some things useful in the ship

"She'll be fine. She was overworking herself." Cyborg said. We were both left in the control room while Blackfire rest in one of the ship's room.

"Why is she helping us?" I asked in a firm manner. It isn't that I hate her. I can't trust her after what she did.

"She was imprisoned in the most guarded prison in the galaxy remember?" CYborg said and took a long good sigh.

"She was used Robin. Starfire just used her. She was freed thinking there was pardon but Starfire came in and told her things. She was tempted and she said yes. But she didn't know that the "mission" was spying and deceiving us." I looked at Cyborg and he looked hateful but also felt pity for Blackfire. It wasn't her fault he said.

"Okay. I understand. But I can't trust her fully so we have to look out for her. She may still be under Starfire's command. We can't lower our guard just because we feel pity." I said and Cyborg nodded.

"Fire up the coordinates and head straight for earth. We need to prepare. We can't lose more than what we did before." I said and Cyborg followed the command. And in no time we were already landing near the titan's tower with Raven looking at us from the windows.

"What happened?" Raven asked and we retold her all that happened. I left out the part where Starfire and I talked privately.

"Yeah, I understand." Raven nodded and then someone moaned form behind us

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