Chapter 31: Face to Face [P2]

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Chapter 31: Face to Face [P2]


I took a breath and let myself sink in the wall. I admit that my body was not in the right condition and should've at least rested for a couple of hours or days but I feel so agitated that I can't stop myself from doing so.

"Robin, find the access panel somewhere. Its gotta be here . Check the other rooms for clues." Cyborg said.

It was still unsettling that there are no guards posted outside our cells. I shove it back and continues to look around for at least a way to get out of here.

Its weird that the ship or the place seem to be quiet. There were no guards nor any sign of other people here. Plus the walls were all white. Clearly it was a trap. Trap or not I have to investigate. I looked for rooms and panels which opens any secret room but there were nothing. Just plain white walls.

Just when I was about to go back to Cyborg a little flash of color caught my eye. 

It was an opening! Somewhere in there! It was a crack of opening in a door. I knew there was something going on here.

I gripped my staff and pushed the door open. Contrast to the white walls outside the room was dark but there were light illuminating the path. I entered the room, three steps and the door just shut completely leaving me in the dark if the room.

I saw a long table up ahead. I seem as if this room was bigger than I pictured. I approached the table and I saw at least 12 seats. The middle of the table was formed dark but there was a  blinking white light near the center side of the table. I hesitated to push it, but there are questions that needed answering.

The moment I pushed the button pictures began appearing. The picture of the titan tower. Raven, Cyborg, Beastboy, Brotherblood, everyone. It was a series of questions.

What's with the pictures? Were there spies? 

In the end of the hologram I saw a file written Confidential. I tried opening it but it requires a password. I remembered back then to get the password was to check the last fingerprint but as white as the walls I can't, find any. 

"What are you hiding here?" I questioned whoever was the one behind all of this. It was confusing and intriguing me at the same time.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I can't think straight with all these things blocking my mind. I was about to turn back when the light turned off leaving me in the pitch black darkness.

I staggered back and caught myself holding my staff. I held it protectively in my hand. Ready for any attack but then a light shone down the aisle a few meters away from me.

She wore an elegant white dress but you could see her war armor in the dress complimenting her. making it look fierce and dangerous. Her crown was above her head screaming power and authority.

"Robin!" She clapped her hands and gave me that same smile that made me fall for her.

"Starfire." The same name that kept on repeating in my head. I want to say so badly that this isn't her right in front of me. I want so badly to say and shake her to wake me from this madness. But as reality wanted. She was the bad guy this time.

The one I waited for so long was the bad guy in this story.

"Why Robin. A pleasant surprise." She grinned and gestured me to sit at the end of the long table.

I didn't even bother sitting I feel my hands trembling as I clenched it tighter. I wanted  her to explain to me why? why is she doing this?

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