Chapter 3: Goodbye Teen Titans

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Chapter 3: Goodbye Teen Titans

It was another day, another week of my conscience enveloping me with her death.

It was hard for me to accept so easily. It was hard for everyone.

I was in Starfire's room and I found a small writing hidden behind her pillow.

Is this her Diary?

I opened the book and found was Starfire's diary.

Do not open without the permission of the owner.

"Starfire."I said softly. I opened it and read a few pages.

It was an earth custom for girls to keep a diary on which we write on this piece of paper and tell how our day to an imaginary was someone to reminisce the memories. I tried it today and here is what I wrote.

Today me and Robin went to the city and kicked some butts. We met jinx and many more friends. Yaaay, by the end of the day I was so happy because I get to spend time with the Teen Titans...and with Robin

Today we had a great time. I made a friendship necklaces for all of my friends and we ate a lot of food. Beastboy went really green than his natural color, but I think he likes my cooking :)

I flipped more and read about our trip to Tokyo.

Today we went home triumphant. We have captured the person they call Brushogun and saved him from his cage. A lot has happened today, I have also confessed to Robin how I have felt about him in the end I have received my first lip contact that didn't need any passing of knowledge I only listened to my heart.

I closed the book and looked away, fearing I might cry.

I'm sorry Starfire you still have a lot of responsibilities ahead you yet you vanished just like that. I did not finish the thought that she died because of me.

I sighed loudly and closed the book.

Starfire, if only you knew. If only I spent more time with you.

6 months later


"Another bank has been robbed in downtown Jump City and recent reports have concluded that peace rally has been set forth in many areas of our City. Many have suffered from the changes where are the peacekeepers of which made our city proud. Back to you Jim"

"Thanks Kris. Up next an upholding story about Teen Titans. Where are the heroes who once saved Jump City? Are the heroes Teen Titans a history? Stay tuned.


Sigh. its been 6 months after Starfire's death and everything went wrong.


I killed Starfire and after the incident I never felt like me again. The teen titans slowly scattered and our group was lost. All because of me and now we live in a world without heroes and evil reigns the land.

End of flashback

The titan tower wasn't the same like before. It was ugly and unclean like an abandoned warehouse. Robin lived there alone, he kept living a closed life and tried to live as normal as possible. But he knew too well it was inevitable not to think what he was before. Cyborg went back and lived normally, trying to do his best at things he can be capable of. Beast boy found himself a job he's good at whenever he's at a circus and people seem to enjoy his transformations but her wasn't happy whenever he did so. Raven was still nowhere, she'll just show up at times and to some service like testing her powers or newbound spells.

Robin was still doing his routine. Waking up, working out, looking around for jobs, or just frolicking but nothing was the same as before.

It was another day in the modern non-hero world. It was the 2nd death anniversary of Starfire. 2 years of agony and change. It was unbearable but he managed to survive day by day.

He wanted to end the day quickly, he paid Starfire a visit, gave her flowers and let his conscience wander again. He just wanted to end the day quickly.

"Maybe a walk around Jump city will cool off my mind" Robin said. He grabbed his hoodie trying to hide his face from the crowd.

He felt different when he blended in the crowd. It was a different feeling. It was like he was a no body, even if he was once a somebody to everybody. One glance at everything and he saw the changes that happened. He wanted so bad to change back what was done but the past cannot be undone.

"What happened to us? Why did everything change?" Robin said to himself. It was something he often find doing nowadays.

"Momma, isn't that the leader from Teen Titans." A kid was saying to his mom and Robin hid his face and tried to run away to avoid commotion.

"I'm not sure sweetie.' She said and she went over to Robin to ask his name. Robin panicked, he wants to stay quiet and everybody knew the Teen Titans dissembled long ago.

Instead, Robin ran away.

He didn't dare look back for he feared people followed him. He was so preoccupied with his thought s that he didn't notice bumping into someone.

"Oh...I'm so clumsy. Sorry for the inconvenience" the girl said

"Its fine. I'll help you carry" Robin offered. He was still panting from the running but he can see no one followed him.

"No thank you. You seem to be in a hurry" she said in a voice Robin knew was familiar.

"It was—,' Robin stopped short.

Her long orange her blew back by the wind was silky like he used to know. Her eyes was the same as before, they shone the brightest of all stars. Her smile was as innocent like any baby but now her face was in a mixture of odd confusion.

"I—um. Here you go," Robin went dumbfounded in what he saw. It was like a miracle and a dream.

'I have to leave. I have an important matter to attend to. Thank you kind gentleman." She gave him a wave and left. He was still there, shocked at what he saw.

I can't believe she's alive!

It was like a dream and a wish. He was so engrossed in his conscience that the person he was hoping that didn't die was just here roaming around Jump City like a normal person. Robin was so happy to have found her.

But then at the back of his mind lingered a question.

"How come she didn't recognize me?' Robin thought as his mind wanders a the possibilities.




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