Chapter 7: Lost Memories

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Starfire flew to the titans tower....trying to cool off....Robin used to do this a lot everytime after every mission...he would cool off....

when Starfire entered the titans tower she was greeted by a thick layer of dust....

how long was I gone? this place looks like an abandoned warehouse....

she flew lightly from room to room till she noticed Robin's room slightly opened...she peeked

his room was messy....papers are everywhere, clothes where scattered on the floor, his bed was unfixed, and his books on the shelf was never dusted....

Starfire got the idea to fix Robin's things....she picked up the clothes first....

"oh Robin...couldn't bare to fix your stuff...such a silly boy" she muttered to herself

while picking up his clothes she saw a little blood tinted on his outfit....she was shocked....her head started spinning and she felt dizzy...she quickly composed herself and the dizzyness went away.....

"what's happening to me? why does my head hurt so painfully"

Starfire went to his desk and fixed the papers....she noticed the brown envelope with a capital bold lettered CONFIDENTIAL right in the middle

starfire opened the envelope and found a letter....



I opened the letter....hesitating if I should continue...

It read....

Dearest Starfire,

I have gotten a lot I'll lately and may not be able to last long. Tamaran needs you now princess. You have not answered our letters. In few months time I shall order troops to come and get you.

I'm sorry princess if you do not agree to go home willingly, I shall order them to bring you home by force.




"ughhh" my head hurts and I don't remember what minute I'm with starfire next im---


explosion!! that's what happened before I blacked out...

I was tied belt was not with me....

"well well....if it isn't robin, welcome dear boy"

"brotherblood" he appeared on the shadows and he smiled evily..

"how are you brother blood?" I returned the smile

"fine dear boy...."

"I remember clearly how you cowered in the midst of war last time brother blood....didn't learn your lesson?" I said.again smiling

"hmp...don't get too cocky boy....for all we know you might lose someone important tonight" he said

"what are you---" then it hit me!!

he was the one who hired spies....they spyed starfire to prevent her from knowing who she is, he knew she had a big effect if she could remember. Her powers are powerful. He planned it all along!!

"but now....all are according to my plan" then we heard a siren....

"now the party begins...." he the sound of sirens and the silence of confusion.


ok you totally made me happy!!!!! omg!!!! can't believe this got a lot of reads!

I didn't even expect this to happend!!!!

its not so big but I'm new to this so I'm sooo super mega uber happy!!!

please continue to read and support!!!

its a cliffhanger I know....haha^_____^

I'll update earlier if there is a chance...

I'll update only on fridays/saturdays/ sundays....





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