10: the one that got away

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Mer, Derek and I were examining Adele.

-Cora, honey, when are you finally moving to Seattle?- she smiled at me and I returned the smile with an inch of sadness.

-Cora's been here for almost a year now, remember I told you, honey?- Richard said softly.

-I know that- she answered with obviousness- but last time we spoke she told me she was renting an apartment. I meant when is she finally buying something. This isn't Alzheimer's, Richard.

-Adele- Derek spoke up- the tests we ran last month showed finding consistent with early-onset Alzheimer's.

-I was a nurse for 30 years, Derek. I know what Alzheimer's looks like- I shared a look with Meredith-  I also know that that 20% of the people that are diagnosed with it turn out to have something else. I don't have Alzheimer's. I don't!

-Chief, can we have a word?- I said and we all left the room leaving Adele alone- a lot of patients need time to come to terms with their diagnosis.

-Yeah- Meredith agreed- the same thing happened to my mother.

-We don't have time- he looked between my brother and I- we need to get Adele in on your trial right now.

-We need her consent to even consider her.

-I'll take care of that, don't worry.

-Richard, we don't even know is she fits the criteria- I looked at his eyes with empathy- and the trial is full. Even the waiting list is full.

-I know all of that- he said angrily- I also know that you'll do whatever you need to do to save my wife.

He left and I stood still and sighed.

-Can you take care of the our next patient?- I asked my brother- I'm gonna go check on him.

-Yeah, sure- he nodded- come on, Meredith, Sonya's waiting for us.

I ran after Richard.

-Chief!- he didn't stop- chief, please!

-What?- he asked as he stopped.

-I just...- I shut up and hugged him.

It took a while for him to hug me back, but he did it.

-I cannot promise you anything- I said pulling apart- but I can promise you I'm going to try everything that's in my hand to put your wife on the trial.

-Thanks- he smiled a little bit- I really appreciate this.

-And...I know I don't understand what you're going through right now, but I'm here if you wanna talk about it.

He nodded and I walked away to go help Mark and Arizona with the baby shower.

-How's it going?- I asked them as I entered the cafeteria.

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