16: 5 Years Later

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It has been 5 years since the events that toke place causing Violet's team to separate

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It has been 5 years since the events that toke place causing Violet's team to separate.
No one knows what happened to Leon. After he left the Torreto household the day of the heist That went wrong no one ever heard from him again.
Letty ended up travelling all around the world doing street races wherever she went. She didn't stay in contact with anyone from the team besides Violet and Mia. Before visiting Dom then moving back in with Violet in LA.
Mia and Vince ended up moving to Rio a week after Violet fully recovered from being shot in the shoulder. They stayed in Contact with Violet. They also ended up having a son called Nico.
Dom went to the Dominican Republic and made a new group of friends and team which he did heist with. It's easy to say Dominic Toretto just couldn't keep himself out of trouble.
Brian ended up spending 5 years in Miami. He toke part in lots of street races before he was asked to help out with catching a drug lord. He asked his friend Roman Pearce for help and together they completed the job and cleared their names before Brian headed back to LA in hope of finding Violet.
Violet was sitting in the kitchen of the home where she now lives and spent the first 8 years of her life in, drinking a bottle of beer when the home phone goes off. She lets out a sigh before getting up and going over and answering it.
"Hello?" She says.
"Is this Violet, Mia or Dom Toretto?" The person on the other end asks.
"This is Violet Toretto what can I help you with?" Violet asks.
The person on the other end of the phone sighs before saying "Ms. Torreto I am afraid I am the bearer of bad news." The person on the other end tells her.
"What is this bad news?" Violet asks sitting back down at the table preparing herself for the worse.
"Letty Ortiz is dead, I am so sorry." The person on the other end tells her.
Violet's body stiffed as she put the phone on speaker and placed it on the table putting her head in her heads. How was she going to tell Mia and Dom?
"Ms.Torreto?" The other person says wondering if she was still there.
"Yes?" Violet asks.
"I'm afraid we need you to come to the mercy hospital to identify her and to begin funeral preparations." The person tells her.
"Okay I will come there now I will be there as soon as possible." Violet says her voice still shaking.
Before they could respond Violet hung up and stared at the blank wall in front of her for a few moments before standing up and going to get her shoes and coat on.
It had been a few hours and Violet had been to the Mercy hospital and sure enough it was Letty.
Once Violet had got home she went and made herself a drink and put on a film trying to clear her head before she called Mia and Dom to tell them.
After the film had finished Violet grabbed her phone and pressed on Mia's ID.
"Hey Vi!" Mia says happily which only breaks Violet's heart even more knowing that Mia won't be happy for much longer.
"Hey Mi! Is Vince with you?" Violet asks.
"He is." Mia replies
"can you put the phone on speaker? I have something to tell you about." Violet tells Mia.
"Yeah okay." Mia says.
"Hey Vi!" Vince says.
"Hey Vince." Vince replies.
"What's going on Vi? you sound upset." Mia asks her younger sister in concern.
"Guys it's Letty." Violet says.
"What's happened is she okay?" Vince asks.
"She... she... she was murdered." Violet says before bursting into tears.
"Stay strong Vi. Me and Vince are coming now." Mia says clearly trying to stay strong for her little sister.
"What about Nico? He is to young to travel." Violet says.
"Our next door neighbour Rosa has agreed to look after him whenever we need even if it is last minute. Don't worry." Vince tells her.
"Okay. I got to go I got to call Dom now and tell him." Violet tells them.
"Do you want us to do that?" Mia asks.
"No it's fine I got it." Violet says.
"Okay." Vince says.
See you guys soon." Violet says.
"See you soon Vi." Mia says before Violet hangs up.

Violet grabs a phone book with all her family and friends numbers in before looking and finding Dom's one he said to call for emergencies. She dials the number and a little boy picks up.
"I need to speak to Dominic Toretto." Violet tells the little boy.
"Si" the little boy says.
The line was silent until Violet hard someone grab the phone.
"Who is this?" She heard Dom ask.
Hearing her brothers voice again for the first time in a few years couldn't not bring a smile to her face even tho the reason for it isn't great.
"Dom." Violet says.
Dom instantly recognises the voice and says "Vi, I told you not to call me here."
"Dom it's Letty." Violet says
The line was silent for a few moments before Dom asked "What happened."
Violet didn't want to tell him but she knew she had to. She felt a tear roll down her cheek as she says "She was murdered."
Violet hears Dom take a sharp breath before saying "I am coming home."
"Please be careful. They know you'll come back, they are already scouting the streets." Violet tells him.
"I will. I love you kiddo." Dom tells her.
"I love you to Dom." She replies with a small smile.

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