69: Childhood Home

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Jack was playing on the porch with his toy car Dom and Letty had got him the day they looked after him and Violet and Brian had gone on their first date since he was born

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Jack was playing on the porch with his toy car Dom and Letty had got him the day they looked after him and Violet and Brian had gone on their first date since he was born. waiting for Brian, Violet and Dom. Mia had to take Nico to school earlier today as he was going on the school trip so she had left a few minutes ago. Letty had left feeling like she was letting everyone down as she couldn't remember anything.

Jack was running the toy car along a box which was on the porch when Brian walked out the house with Jack's backpack.
"Alright, buddy. We got to go. We're going to be late. Come on." Brian says picking Jack up and carrying him to the minivan. "Okay. What do you think, parking brake slide right up to the school?"
"Where's mommy?" Jack asks looking for Violet.
"I don't know, she's up there. She's coming." Brian tells him as he opens the minivan door. Violet walks out and smiles as Brian puts Jack in the van. "Here we go watch your head."
Violet looks over to the box that Jack was just running his toy car along and sees Dom's name and where it's from.
"Dom, you have a package out here. It's from Tokyo." Violet calls into the house.
"Tokyo." Dom asks walking out of the house and looks at the box. "What? Is Han trying to convert me over to a turbo charger."
"Alright, you ready? There you go." Brian asks having buckled him into the car seat.
"Yeah!" Jack cheers throwing the toy car out of the car.
"Hey, buddy. Cars don't fly." Brain tells him as he picks up the toy car.
"Hey, cars don't fly." Jack repeats after him.
"This one did, huh?" Brian asks giving to toy car back to Jack.
"Brian in a minivan. Things have changed." Dom says as him and Violet watch Brian and Jack.
"He's struggling, Dom. He doesn't want me to see it but the white picket fence is like a anchor on him. I can tell. I tried to talk to him the other night. You know what he said? He doesn't miss the girls, he doesn't miss the cars. He misses the bullets." Violet explains to Dom as they walk down the steps.
"Let him settle in. Give him time." Dom says as they stop walking.
"How does nine months sound?" Violet asks causing Dom to look at her shocked and confused. "I'm having another baby." Violet looks down as Dom takes a step towards his sister.
"And you didn't tell him, did you?" Dom asks. "You got to tell him.
"I don't want him to be disappointed with his life. With me." Violet says looking at Brian and Jack before looking back at Dom.
"He will never be disappointed with you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to him." Dom reassures his sister putting his hands on her shoulder.
"Thank you." Violet says before hugging Dom. "You know we did say we were going to try for another baby but I guess there's just that feeling that maybe he doesn't want another one."
"He loves you. He loves Jack. I know he what's another one." Dom tells her.
"Thank you, Dom." Violet says before she starts to walk down the stairs.
Dom was about to follow when his phone starts ringing.
"Yeah?" Dom says once he had answered the phone.
"Dominic Toretto. You don't know me. But you about to." The man on the other end says.
Dom pulls the phone away from his ear to see where the call is from before seeing it's from Tokyo. Brain looks back at the box before realisation hits him.
"Gets down!" Dom yells.
Dom pulls Violet to the ground, covering her. Brian closes the door to the minivan as the box explodes causing Brian to slam against the minivan.
"Jack! Brian!" Violet yells when the blast is over. Brian opens the minivan door and pulls Jack out as Violet runs over to them. Brian hands Jack to Violet before hugging them both and kissing them both on the forehead. Brian notices Violet has blood on the side of her head which he guesses was from when Dom pulled her to the ground to protect her.
Dom looks over at Brian, Violet and Jack before looking back at his childhood home.
Dom has Violet, Brian, Jack, Mia and Nico go to the DR before he goes and visits Hobbs in the hospital.
"Thank you so much for letting us stay, Mando. I hope it's not a problem." Mia says as they walk through the garden.
"Listen, Dom, needed a safe delivered to Rio in two days. That was a problem. Hosting his family in the Dominican Republic, that's a vacation. Anyone messes with you here they mess with the entire country. You'll be safe." Mando explains before his phone rings. "Yeah, yeah they're here picked them up myself at the airport. Hold on." Mando turns to Violet who had put Jack down. "It's Dom."
"Dom." Violet says as she walks away from the others.
"Yeah, Violet, it's me. How's it going there? Hows you head?" Dom asks.
"It's going good here." Violet says placing a hand on her head where a plaster was covering the cut she had gotten when Dom pulled her to the ground when the house exploded. "And my head good. Still hurts a bit tho."
"So what's going on there?" Dom asks.
"We're at Mando's. this place is like a fortress. You should see Brian. He's in full FBI mode. He set up a surveillance hub in Mando's garage and everything. What about you? did you find out who's after us?" Violet explains.
"Looks like the sins of London have followed us home." Dom tells her.
"Wait, Owen Shaw's back?" Violet asks.
"No. It's his brother Deckard." Dom says.
"Oh no." Violet says putting a hand on her forehead. "Alec told me about this. And I didn't believe him. If I only believed him none of this would be happening."
"You can't blame yourself for this, Vi. Alec lied to you multiple times. Why would you believe him." Dom says. "Anyway, how did buster take the news?"
"I can't tell him. If he knew about the baby, he would stay here with us, and with all that's going on, you going to need him by your side. Just watch out for him. Keep him safe, and come home together." Violet explains.
"Tell Brian I'll see him in LA in two days." Dom says.
" Where are you going?" Violet asks.
"Tokyo. I'm bringing Han home." Dom answers.

Brian was listen to the news when Violet walked into the garage.
"Hey." Brian says as Violet runs his shoulder.
"You okay?" Violet asks.
"Yeah. This guys just relentless." Brian answers.
"Thats why Dom needs you. You two need to find him and stop him, before he does anymore damage to our family." Violet tells him.
"You know, I just..." Brian says before looking at Violet. "I've screwed up so many things. I couldn't live with myself if I screwed this up, too."
"You won't. I believe in you. I believe in us. That's all that matters. I love you, Brian" Violet says.
Brian smiles at Violet before they kiss.
"I love you, Violet." Brian says resting her forehead against hers.
"Just promise me after this we're done. No more jobs, no more enemies. Come back to us." Violet says pulling away.
"I won't let you down, Vi." Brian tells her.
"I know." Violet tells him with a smile before adding. "I'm coming back with you to LA. It turns out what Alec said was right. I am going to meet up with him to get anymore information I can. Then I am coming back here."
"I will go with you to meet him. Because if this guy shows up. I will be able to get you out of there." Brian tells her.
"Okay." Violet says before they kiss again.

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