Chapter 1

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Author's pov :

A girl was sleeping peacefully hugging her pillow...the rays of sun passed though the window and fallen directly on her eyes breaking her peaceful slumber.

She rubbed her eyes hastily cursing the sun for waking up so early she got out of the bed grumpily.

She directly went inside the      washroom...competed her morning chores and freshened up. She came out wearing a flared Kirti paired up with cotton pants.
She brushed her hair and applied some cream and lipbalm. Finally adorning her forehead with a red bindi she got ready for the new day.

The girl was not tall...just 5'3 in height. She had dark black orbs and her hair was till her lower back. She has the wheatish skin tone with chubby cheeks when her frame was tiny making her look very cute. She was beautiful.
Eventhough she was not beautiful like hour glass figured models or actresses she was pretty in her own way. She believes that she looks good.

Geetha's pov:

I looked my self in the mirror and was satisfied with what I saw. I am pretty may be not breathtaking but I am beautiful in my own way.
That's what I believe,everyone are beautiful.
I hate the society which judges people based on their looks...they don't know how their senseless words destroys other's lives. They may think that they are not at fault or they just said a small thing and other's are over reacting.but guess what they are wrong. Because I know how traumatic it could make.
I have my own friend who suffered a lot because of was never physical but mental one. They effected her a lot and I saw her sufferings with my own eyes. I hate the people who thinks they are strong just by making other's suffer.

'Calm down Geetha!!' I said to myself  to not spoil my mood so early in the morning.
I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself.

Ok let me introduce myself to you guys.
I am Geetha...I am 20 now. I had my birthday exactly 10 days back.
I will be now in 3rd year of MBBS in SVG medical college. It is one of the prestigious institutions for the medical sector. I am glad that I get to study there and achieve my dreams.
I have three friends Sadhvi, Akhila, and Swapna. They are my best friend and crime partners. We all are now classmates....but me and Sadhvi are together from school days. She was the friend I was talking about. She was bullied by my classmates in school...they made her believe that she was fat, dark when she isn't. Even if she is I find it's not a problem it's their personal choice. No one should bully others.
Eventhough now she is somewhat confident of herself I think she still has insecurities. I think everyone will have flaws. We have to accept them with their flaws if we love them and I love my friend so much.

"Geetha...." I heard my mom's voice so I immediately yelled back as I don't want her scolding again as she thinks I am ignoring her even after hearing her call
"Yeah Amma...." I shouted and ran out of the bedroom to kitchen as that is where she spends most of the time.

"What were you doing?? I have been calling you." She said in irritation.
"Nothing had some work???" I questioned her.
She nodded and said
"Help me with the dishes today...I am tired and my body is aching."

I nodded and started doing dishes.
It's nothing new to me. I mean coming from a middle class family means we get to do the household chores. Willingly of unwillingly and also we can never say no to the Indian mom's .
They are dramatic sometimes. It's better we shut our mouth and do our work.

Ohh I forgot to say about my family...
Ours is a joint family...we are from Vikarabad a town nearly 2 hours away from Hyderabad.
My family consists of Grandfather, my father, mother, uncle(dad's brother), aunty , me and uncles children Latha, Seetha and Shravan.
My father works as a ticket collector in Indian railways. My uncle is a farmer.
Both Amma and aunt are housewives...they manage the house.
I am the eldest child in our family. Latha and Seetha are twins... They are just one week younger than me..making me the eldest grandchild for my grandpa. My grandma died when I was in 2nd standard.I don't have much memory about her.
Ours is a middle-class family and we don't have much property other than our house and one acre land in which my uncle does farming. We aren't that financially stable as we don't earn much and we have to spend money for all the children's fees and also my father has Coronary artery disease and also grandpa has few health issues.
But we are managing to meet both ends for now...I just want to complete my studies and earn more money.

My father always wanted a son who can share his burden...but I am the only  child to them as doctor said another child can be harmful for my mom's health. Eventhough they never says that out...I can feel that I am unwanted for them.
But I am their daughter...I feel they are just obliged to take care of me most of the times. They never really cared for me except for paying for my studies and buying me clothes on my birthday.
I am now used to it that it don't bother me much.
They are orthodox...When one of my cousin eloped with her boyfriend as her parents didn't agreed for their wedding my mother was so fuming and scolding my cousin saying that she is shameless she didn't respect her parents and everything.
It happened when I was in affected my parents so much that they wanted me to discontinue my studies. But after my constant pleadings they agreed.
On a condition that I will only marry the person of their choice. I agreed with them as I know it's my fate. I can never win my parents...I know that and also I can never defy them and go on my own way. They are my parents...and I love them. I don't want to make them hate me and take away the care they now providing me. Even if it is almost to nothing....I need it ,because it's from my parents.
Don't think my parents are evil or what...they are just like this because of this society who believes man are above all.
I wish I could change their thinking.
I have completed all my assigned works are finally went to my bedroom laying on my small bed. My room is small one compared to the one my sister's got. But I liked it as I get to watch the chirping birds everyday and the rainy sky on cloudy days. I like nature a lot.
Suddenly I felt an urge to talk with I grabbed my mobile and failed her number.
"Hello Sadhvi!!" I said cheerfully as soon as she answered it. 
"Hello." She said.
I felt something was wrong in her tone.
Is she tensed about something???
I asked her the same thing.
She said she is going to marry!!!
At first I thought she is joking. Imean we are still studying. And also we just completed our 2nd year exams few days back.
I was worried if she was forced into this...but she assured me that it's not like that,but she is tensed as it's still so early.
I agree with her...but she agreed for the marriage already.
I asked her about Jeeju...she just said the same knows he is studying MBBS too otherthan that she don't know anything. She is can she agree when she knows nothing about him.
But I didn't questioned her as she may get  more tense hearing this.
So I said everything will be fine and after talking for some more time I cut the call.

I laid on my bed thinking abouty friend...I just hope jeejutakes good care of her. She is like my own sister.
She means a lot to me. More than my sister's Latha and Seetha. We are never close as their parents always scold them  to score good marks showing me as a reference.
Even I didn't care much to make our relationship better as I don't like them much.

Now they are doing degree 3rd year in the local college in our town. Our distance further increased when I got free seat in MBBS. But who cares...

After spending the whole day in my room binge watching webseries I now laid on the bed and slipped into my beauty sleep.


Hello readers...
I may not reach upto your expectations but I hope you guys will show some patience. The story will be on track when I complete writing about the whole family thing.
Don't be mad at me...
I can assure you will like how story unfolds.

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