chapter 55

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Geetha's pov :

The days were passing very quickly...

It's already one month I came to vizag yet I have already earned myself an enemy...
The word enemy sounds so weird.

Because in my whole life this was the very time I am using this to describe a person.

This enemity is so dangerous....and so consuming.

But the only nice thing happened in the last month was Adi was now not ignoring me completely.
He is aknowleding my presence in his life , like he would come upto my room, knock on the door so that we could have our morning coffee or evening tea together while talking once in a while.

I think we can now consider as friends...

We talk about our day , how tiring our work was... He listens me to patiently when I bitch about few colleagues.
I know that he won't judge me for which I am glad.

We now go to work and come back together...before I kind of felt that I was forcing myself into his life which I don't feel anymore.

But look at my fate , my husband treats me just as a friend...that too not a bestfriend but the usual friends we have with whom he talk casually, but it was enough progress than I thought.

But deep down I was little disappointed because I expected more from him...
The more than he can give me...

Let me say few cases.

After a week on coming here, when I was sitting on the sofa watching a daily soap which mom used to see daily...there was a rerun as it was a weekend , having nothing to do i slumped on my seat munching on the potato chips in my hands.

Suddenly Adi graced me his presence...
I immediately corrected my unlady like sitting posture while still holding on to the chip packet and my mouth was full of chips... I might be looking like a panda right now I thought.

I cursed him in my mind as he came out in the odd hours. He usually stays in his room all day long , only comes out during meal times and when he goes out.
So I was little stunned seeing him.

But he snapped me to reality by asking
" Do you need my help in the holdhold works?"

It took few seconds for me to process.
"Yyhahh." I said an alien language with mouthful of food as I forget swallowing due to the shock of his visit.
He looked at me weirdly...

And I choked on the food when I tried to swallow in quickly and my hands moved involuntarily to grab a glass of glass thankfully he hand me a glass full of water.

I drank few gulps of water and patted my chest for a while.

He looked at me with concern.
'I won't die...' I thought as I said

"What did you just said??" I asked him to repeat again.

"I asked you if you need any help in the household works?" He said again.

'Grab the chance Geetha....
Just imagine how good it would be...
Adi helping you in the work , the sparks we feel while working.
I mean I will wash the dishes while he will dry them. When I pass him the washed dishes his fingers brushing mine...jittery feelings in both of us.

And when I try to mop the floor...being a clumsy girl as myself I may slip , just when I was all ready to welcome the pain from the fall Adi would catch me in his arms coming out of no where....
Our eyes locking then we will get lost in eachother so much forgetting about surroundings.

And now is the most important one , when I don't pay attention to where I am walking in the living room and suddenly I bump into him with so much force that we both fall on the sofa which is just adjacent.... Our faces just inches apart , we both can feel eachothers breathe on their faces , we both lean towards covering eachother's lips and getting lost into other world while kissing passionately.

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