chapter 36

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Adarsh's pov:

I ran towards the entrance as I was notified by the staff that a person with chest pain was going to admit in the hospital in 3 more minutes.

I quickly instructed the nurse nearby to keep the things like instruments and others ready so we can give the treatment on time.

I looked at my watch as it ticked showing me the time which is flowing....

Soon I heard the siren and alerted myself.

I hope we will save the patient....

Paramedics who brought the patient gave us all the necessary information regarding the patient and his history which we mentally noted as we wheeled him towards the emergency room.

I ordered the intern to bring the portable chest scan as we checked for the problem.

It was a cardiac tamponade.....I did the emergency procedure as I sent the intern to inform the professor about patient.

Just when I was sticking the tubes to him using a bandage intact after performing intubation and removing the blood from his chest cavity using large syringe I saw our professor coming in our direction.

I checked twice to see if I did stick the bandage correct or not.

Tardiness is the enemy of our be honest tardiness should be out of the loves of any doctor.
As their simple mistake may land up as a medical negligence which is a henious act and punished by law and secondly and most importantly the patient may lose his life.

The second one will be the reason many choose medical field and study for hours sacrificing their little enjoyments and family moments even when they knew it would be hard....
So we have to be careful because if we do any mistake we have to live our whole life in guilt.

Guilt or regret is the worst feeling ever we can feel, and we can prevent it by using certain measures so I prefer to do it.

"Good morning Dr. Rao." I greeted him respectfully as I moved a step back for him to examine the patient.

He checked his vitals and various other things and turned towards me.

'i was little nervous... because I was worried if I did any mistake on my part, as I am not much experienced.'

"You did a good job Dr. Adarsh." He said...
I sighed in relief.

Thank god I was tensed for nothing.

After handling few more patients and guiding the interns and medical students who were there for postings it was finally lunch break.

I went to the staffroom as sat on the chair rubbing my head as I feel so exhausted.

I heard my mobile pinging....I looked to see if it is an another emergency.

We use mobile to notify doctors not a pager as we usually see in Grey's anatomy or other medical dramas.

But thankfully it was a message from sid asking me to join him for lunch.

I replied with a thumbs up and removed my apron and walked towards the canteen.

I saw him sitting along with bhabhi and looking at her like a love struck fool he is when she is talking to her other friends who are still interns.

I chuckled as I sat on chair on his other side which was empty.

Bhabhi looked at me and smiled in acknowledgment...I nodded as we all ordered the food and ate quickly as we don't have much time and emergency can occur anytime, we may not get another time to eat.

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