chapter 44

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Geetha's pov :

I whined when I felt the blazed sunrays falling directly on my eyes disturbing my sleep.

I tried to move around but I couldn't....
And even my body was aching.

That's when I remember that I have slept on a couch yesterday.
And also the thing that I am married now but my husband wants us to leave apart.
Just like we aren't married....or the marriage is just an illusion.

He said he married just because of mom.
It break my heart.

Eventhough I broke his heart because of my dad....I wanted him with all my heart and now I have become a joke to even myself.

But he don't want me....
I was in desperate need of his presence in my life which lights up the part which was unknown to me until I met him.
His presence awaken the feelings so much that I started yearning them even since then.

I opened my eyes and looked at the bed to see him.
But the bed was empty...

I got up, and realised that I was covered up with a thin blanket.

May be he did it....
My heart screamed in happiness as there may be a possibility that he cares for me.

But my subconscious mocked me saying you haven't learnt a lesson yet??

I sighed as I got....neatly folded up the blanket.
I carried it to the wardrobe nearby and placed it there.

I initially thought that he might be in washroom but I realised he wasn't in room only.

So I entered washroom and grabbed a new toothbrush from the counter beside washbasin and did my morning chores.
After showering under warm water I felt relaxed....

I forgot my clothes....

Whenni was wondering if the same scene which happens in every cliche novels will happen with me too.
I mean I go out with a towel covering me... coincidentally he enters , I with slip and then he will catch me from falling like a superman.

To throw water on all my naughty dreams there was another door in the washroom...may be for the closet.

Anyways we aren't the normal newly wed couple who will never leave a chance to romance. my life romance is like the fruit on the tallest branch of the tree which I could never reach upto.

I just wish adi shows a little bit of care towards me even if he don't love me anymore.

I can't digest or even tolerate that indifference of him which he showed me last night.
If only he will look at me like he looked at me that dreadful night before the disaster.

I shook my head to remove the what ifs...and if onlys which were literally all over my mind.

I have decided that if I find that even if he cares for me....I won't leave anychance to get back him.

I will definitely make him fall for me again and agian until he will never turns back at me again.

So I choose a baby pink coulored saree with silver zari border.
As today will be my first day here...I should be a bit traditional.

And I it didn't take much time for me to get ready as I already knew how to drape a saree.

I applied light makeup...adorned myself with sindoor on my hairline completing my look.

Now I look like a married woman.

Even the bangles I wore yesterday weren't removed so I was looking beautiful.

Don't think that I am bragging....I was really beautiful.

I looked at the time. It was already 9.
Shit I should help mom with the breakfast.

So I walked towards the kitchen....
I knew the way as yesterday mom showed me the route.

I can't afford to get lost on this huge house...I wonder why they need such big one when only four of us gonna stay here.

When I reached there mom has already cooked the breakfast.
"Goodmorning mom...I am sorry , I was late." I said regretfully.

I still remember how Sadhvi said that her mother-in-law was so happy when she cooked the food for the first time after her marriage.
Even I wanted to do that but...sigh..

"No worried beta. Eventhough we don't usually ask the daughter-in-law to cook on first day I want you to cook a sweet for us to relish. But no all your choice." She said.

I took that as a chance...
"Ok mom I will make kheer. Is that ok??" I asked.

She nodded and said
" I will go give the medicines for your dad. If not he will definitely forget."

I agreed and searched for all the cabinets for the ingredients.
After keeping them all on the counter I cooked the kheer.

I heard the footsteps...I knew they all are at the table.

I think relatives have left early in the morning as I saw no one when I came out.

I served the sweet in bowls and brought it to the dining table.
Both mom and I served the food for our husbands respectively.

Eventhough dad smiled at mom here the husband of mine was with a expressionless face.

I wonder if he will be the same if I pour his hot kheer on him???

But lucky him.... I am not that violent.

I served myself and sat in my seat which is beside him.

All through the breakfast dad and mom was talking to me....they tried tojoin him to but his one word answers didn't let it to happen.

Even I ignored his behaviour as I was happy with the praises I am getting for my cooking.

After breakfast we all sat in the livingroom.

I can feel that adi doesn't want to be here....
Or may be he doesn't want me near him. Which brought tears in my eyes.

When mom saw that...she asked why I was crying.

But I said that I am missing my parents...and home.

She believed me as she asked me to go call them.

If my home was near mom would probably send me there too. She is such a nice soul.

I went back to his room...which is now ours.

I hope I could talk to him again.
But he never came to the room until late at the night after our dinner.

"Adi...." I called out making him stiffened at his place.

" I want to talk to you." I said as I saw he wasn't talking.

"Hmm." He said...
I almost rolled my eyes for his response.
But I remember that graveness of the situation so I stopped myself from doing that.

"Why did you say like that yesterday??" I asked.

"There is nothing to discuss about that.
And thing. I have already said this to mom and dad , I am going back tomorrow. I will be busy. You can do what ever you wish to do I won't stop you." He said stopping me from asking anything.

The tone which he was's so cold as if I don't mean anything to him.
Not even an enemy...

I completely feel like an outsider.

I really didn't know what else to say....
I think he will never love me again.

I should get used to his cold demeanor.
That's what I deserve.i said to myself as I nodded my head so show him that I listened to what ever he spoke just now.

He went and laid in the bed and me on the couch as usual.

Will we live like this forever???

Please take efforts to vote the chapter and make me happy guys.

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