chapter 47

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Geetha's pov :

Want was mom talking about???
I am a bit confused to tell honestly.

Iean who would believe what mom just said when Adi married me just for his parent's happiness even when he hates or even despise seeing he have to bear the name of my husband in this lifetime.

Sometimes I wonder why don't we just split up , but I don't really have guts. Or may be the fact that I am his wife is enough for me this lifetime even when there would be moments I brood over my unromantic fate....but being his wife worth it.

Or may be as a miracle he may start loving me again. But that happens only when he stops ignoring me or even make a little conversations with me so that we could bond together.

"What are you saying mom???" I whispered.

"It's true beta."
She sighed....

"I never wanted to say this to you or anyone. But I don't want you to misunderstand my son.
His life wasn't an easy one.
He had many darktimes in his life....the moments where he had no one behind his back other than himself as he don't like to share his pain with anyone...not even Sidharth in that matter. don't look at me so confused.

I...I am not his biological mother." She said making me gasp in shock.

Honestly shock is an understatement.

Mom...they are so close...and now she is saying that she isn't his birthmother.

I agree he don't resemble mom but I thought he just looked like dad more but here I get a shock that he isn't mom's son.

"Is this real??" I asked in disbelief.

She nodded...

"It's real.
But for me he is more than my blood relations.
He is my only son..." She said a bit emotionally.

"I agree mom...he is your son." I said.

"But you know Geetha??? I really wished that adi was my real son.
Because he wasn't ready to accept me as his mom or even acknowledge my presence so I thought he would have showed me his love if I was his mom."she said.

I didn't said anything as I waited for her to continue what she was saying.
I had many doubts running inside my head like if mom isn't his mother then who was it??

And why did she leave this house?
And how mom entered the scene.

And what exactly is Adi's past???

"Ok..I know you are confusedlet me tell you from the start.

Prabhu (Adi's dad) and Adi's real mother....they were like childhood sweethearts.

They were neighbours back in their native village. They grew up together...studied together.
When Prabhu came to Hyderabad for the sake of his studies as he was very career oriented and had a zeal to earn money and become successful in his life...even Sudha (Adi's mom) followed him.
Prabhu even fought with bothbof their parents as in those days sending a girl whom they considered of marriagable age is a huge deal. But prabhu was hellbent on convincing them...and finally they agreed after much persuasion.

Actually as they grew up they had feelings fir eachother...both loved eachother.
And coming here, they lived together...helping eachother in this unknown place made their feelings even strong.
After they both graduated...they went back to home only to be received with the news that sudha will be married to another guy.
But as Prabhu loved her so much...even she did, so they both eloped on the night before her marriage without informing anyone.This made their parents loose their faces infront of all the villagers and relatives. So they broke their relation with prabhu and sudha.
After coming to Hyderabad again...they married in a temple, Prabhu started a construction firm and faced many difficulties in the starting days.
He didn't even used to get a full night sleep some days.
But when he learnt that Sudha is pregnant he was over the clouds. It was the most happiest news he has ever recieved.
Soon Adi was born. And even the things back at Prabhu's work fell into place.
He became well known for his work...which gained recognition.

But in all this he couldn't give much time for his family.
One day adi said to prabhu about a guy who gives chocolates to him daily...when Prabhu said not to take them from strangers, adi was like he is coming our home daily, he is mom's friend.
Prabhu was confused as sudha hasn't infromed him about any male friend.
He wondered if his wife was cheating on him.
So next day he came home in the afternoon when he had already called sudha in the morning saying he is going on a business trip for two days. And as he expected he saw his wife cheating on him. Be was beyond heartbroken.
He couldn't believe what is going on.
They loved eachother so could she do that to him?
But as the truth never fades away, it was not an illusion.
But sudha was so ignorant of Prabhu's heart which she just broke...and even the disrespecting thing she did for the institution of marriage. She even claimed that he was the cause of it.

Because of unloving nature of him she had to seek love from another man.
She even declared that she is loving that guy and is going to marry him as soon as possible after divorcing him.
It was a blow for his self respect so he didn't wanted to beg her to continue live as his wife or either forgive her for cheating on him when she isn't showing any remorse on that behaviour.
Soon after 2 months...they divorced and sudha she left permanently.
Prabhu thought she would atleast fight for Adi's custody but she didn't. She said she didn't want any baggage from her past to ruin her future. So she left behind 10 years old adi and left to pursue her happiness which cost the beautiful childhood of a child.

He lost his belief in people...he didn't knew what exactly happened around him. He blamed his dad...because of him he lost his mother.
So he distanced himself from his dad...and even his friends because they used to bully him calling him a mother less child.
Which broke Prabhu's heart even more.
But during his tough times his parents back at home came to his rescue.
They consoled him...
He wanted a mother picture for adi...
That's when I came into the picture.

I was a distant relative of with the insitance of our parents we were soon married.
I always liked I saw him during various occasions. Even he used to call me aunty before...but after I married Prabhu , adi was very furious.
But our marriage was for adi...and his happiness but sadly it didn't reached that outcome.
He hated us both. He distanced even more from us.
As he was already 13 years by that, he knew about his mother from the relatives who were bitching about other's personal lives. His mother abandoning him....He was furious...
So he treated me like I was never present in his I was a stranger for all the years.
He even stayed in hostel as soon as he completed his schooling.
It was like he never wanted me around.
But prabhu stood beside me.
Even the small conversation happening between son and dad reduced to nothing.

And everything changed when he started coming back home during his internship days.
Honestly we had lost the hope of mending our relationship by then...we gave up.
Even he ignored our presence in the start...but he started drinking so much which made us really worry about him.
We didn't knew what happened to him.
One day he broke all the limits...
We heard the sounds of breaking things which made us alert as we barged into his room only to see him at his weakest point.
It wasn't easy for us...neither him.
But we tried to give him his space,which he appreciated.
We consoled him... slowly we all had a bond growing between us...
We came to this point where we are now.

Unbreakable one.... Where we trust eachother.

I knew about you...I thought to try matcaking you guys.
If you really hate my son you could have rejected him. But I saw love towards him in your eyes making me more confident.
I knew you have issues between you even after marriage but I don't want to interfere and make even worse.
But I assure you Geetha...he loves you.
He just didn't knew you love him.
He thought you don't like him and will break his heart again like you did in the college.
It's just his defensive mechanism that to protect himself from the coming heartbreak.
But I plead you Geetha...don't give up on my son.
He never got any love from his parents until 2 years back.
He craved for your presence so much...and was very heartbroken which only I knew because I saw him crying silently hiding from us.
So please...try to give this relationship a chance...don't give up on him."

She said.

What would be Geetha's reaction after hearing the Adi's past???
I tried to complete it as a summary as I didn't want to drag it much.hope you like it.

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