chapter 54

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Geetha's pov:

With a smile adorned on my face I entered my new workplace...
I know for a fact the I am gonna spend most of the time here rather than my home.

I should get acquainted with all....or may be make few friends so that I could have someone's back and I will stand by them when they need me too.

I will all take time.
I mean for us to become a gang of four it took nearly 2 months. Not like we weren't on terms at the starting...but everyone requires their own time to open up about things to develop an emotional bond between them.

Just at the starting there was a counter...may be nurses station.
I went there to introduce myself.

"Hello everyone. I am Dr.Geetha , first year PG. I hope we all can take care of eachother in near future." I said politely.

A woman in late 40s , may be she is the head nurse here...she nodded her head as she said
" We will...but we are always on our toes. So its better we buckle up now."

With that all the other nurses dispersed from there leaving the disappointed me alone with the head nurse.

" I am Kala...the head nurse here.
I don't mean to disappoint you or something, but it's true.
The thing we need most here in the gynec ward is persistence , determination and endurance.
Or else it's of no use even if we make any realtions with eachother. So your first priority would be saving the mother and baby." She said leaving me.

'Even I agree with her...but I just wanted to make few friends.' I thought as I sighed.

It's ok...after few days we will be on a better point. I thought as I walked in the direction of HOD room.

I knocked the door, when I heard come in...I opened the door carefully as I stepped inside.

"Good morning mam. I am dr.Geetha." I said.

Suddenly I felt wierd...I mean I have been saying the same thing to everyone I meet since the morning.

But it's the new start here...I should be more cheerful.

The hod was a woman in her 50s as she had few wrinkles on her face, white hair on her head but she had this aura which immediately makes us feel to respect her immensely.

"Good to meet you Dr.
It's quite odd to meet a new dr. In the odd times of a year." She said smilingly.

" Yes mam I was previously in SVG hospitals but due to personal reasons I transferred my studies to here." I said.

"Ok ...but I hope your personal reasons won't effect your studies here
Because I won't tolerate such things under my radar." She said strictly making me gulp on my saliva in fear.

" Ok mam I will do my best." I said trying to sound normal when I was really frightened.

"Hmm that's it then. Go resume your work. Has anyone assigned you any work yet?" She asked me.
I shook my head.

"Go to the post operative ward , bed no. 43. It's now your duty to check up on her until she gets discharged.
Let's start with this...I will say what more do you need to do later." She said.

I muttered a quick thankyou as I left the room.

I should really thank the person who bulit this ward because it was every directions to the wards and all.

I followed it and reached to my assigned patient.

It was 18 year old primi para.
She gave birth to a baby boy weighing 1.9 kgs  , it was a full term birth , a c- section as she had unbearable pains.
The issue here is she is very weak , anaemic so there was a history of blood transfusions . We need to keep chart of everything.

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