chapter 60

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Adarsh's pov :

I laid back on my bed as I feel pain even when I move slightly...most probably because i have exhausted myself...surpassing my threshold.

I had assisted in a complicated surgery where patient had myocardial infarction as a complication to the atherosclerosis of the main blood vessel near the heart.

Unfortunately the patient was a 69 years old male patient increasing the risk of the operation.
Nevertheless our professor gave heads-up for the operation knowing the certainty of the risks can be overcomes if we are more careful than necessary.
So I was given the duty to assist him...
The operation started 9 am and ended 5 pm....
My energy got drained and I was really tired.
I just need a good nap , I can't even take  it here so I rushed back home immediately.

When I was in midway I remembered about Geetha....
I hadn't picked her up today along with me.

But then I also remembered about the stunt she pulled yesterday raising my anger to to extent.

She didn't just disclosed our marriage with others without my consent right??

That too in a public place...

I would have not stopped her if she really wanted to disclose our relationship , but not like this...atleast not when I am not sure if our marriage would last long or not.

The circumstances now....they are making me confused.

I saw there...I mean back then in Hyderabad I heard Varun liking each other....even Geetha seems to.

I trust that Geetha would not cheat me...
Atleast not until she divorces me.

I won't deny that I am fine with it.

Because how much even I say to myself to not let her effect me...
I go back to the same place I stood 2 years back...being the same Adi loving her so much that I feel like I am ripping myself apart enable to bear anymore hurt.
Why can't I just get over it???

I say few people you loved and then even after splitting with eachother they are fine and well.

They aren't drowning in sadness as I have been doing.

Even with gathering all my will to move on from my love which had brought me nothing but a moment of happiness and never ending sorrow my heart never gives up.

It is hell bent to love her...
With everything within me , even fighting against my own brain which was nothing but being cautious of the heartbreak which would follow me if I am adamant to stick to my heart's wishes of loving her forever and ever.

It's keep on suggesting me that I would be broken yet again.

But even after my attempts turning futile now a days even my brain seems to give up on it....the fact that I could unlove her and move on from this phase of life and live happily.

When I heard those things from her colleagues...I couldn't tolerate it.

I calmed myself down as I don't know if it's true or not.
I said to myself that if it's true she would come or atleast send me the divorce papers or intimate me about the same thing prior to breaking the nut before my parents...this could come out as a shock for them.

I know I ignored her but I don't want her to leave me.
I don't have my presence in her life but still she has the power to rule over me.
As if ruling over my heart isn't enough anymore she has been trying rule over my brain too.

The little thing which was trying to keep me sane is not sane anymore.

When I saw her in hospital back in vizag I was shocked so much that my jaw would have dropped to the ground if it was possible in reality.

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