chapter 79

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Adarsh's pov :

I was struggling to carry these heavy bags alone...

And there was no one today to borrow some help too so grudgingly I was holding them.

When I entered home I was surprised to see Geetha talking to mon happily as she conversed about how we are now really togetehr not just technically we both are one. As we love eachother.

I was happy but again a jolt of jealously passed through me as I saw how lovingly mom looked at Geetha.

I don't have any calms in expressing that so I just asked her if she is my mom or geetha's.

But my mom's answer which I didn't expect yet it made me more happy than I would be if I heard she is mine only.

My mom treats Geetha really well.
They are like literally inseparable.

How do I know???.

Well I struggled for an hour to separate them and then finally ti rest in our room.
Because they both are talking non stop giving me no chance to interrupt inbetween.

Gosh!!! For a second they even made me feel like an outsider.

But their bond made my heart swell in happiness too.

I shove all my thoughts as I reasoned with mom saying dad need her help as his back is aching little too much after a tiring working day.

As expected majic worked...she got up worriedly as she sprinted towards their bedroom.
I know she loves dad the most...they are match made in heaven.

Even when I hated them I kind of envied the bond they had.

How much ever I distanced myself from girls and relationships...I wanted my wife to love me as much as mom loved dad , if ever that happened.

And then Geetha came to my life...and until then my life was like a slowly moving passenger train with few stops and overcomeing my sadness.
But then my life became a whole rollercoaster as I had experienced the happiest moments at the same time heartwrenching memories...all belong to her.

She made me explore a new guy within me which even I was never aware of.

That guy was new to the term called 'love'.

He was apprehensive and he hesitatated to come in terms of the thing that he is now in love...with Geetha.
But her smile worked like magic as it boasted him up. It gave him litlle confidence which was most necessary and yet which he was lacking at that moment.

For the first time after many years I feel so blissful that I even doubt if it's me...the same me whose life was so dull and now which is looking as colourful as the white dresses we wear on the auspicious holi.

I thought I stopped craving for colours in my life...I came in truce with the dullness of the life.
But I guess it never happened.

I now realise how much I craved for it.
And I just wanted Geetha...her presence and no one else mattered to me since the day she came to my life.

I was still the same love sick puppy I was back in my college days.
May be I can never undo it.
It's all the magic spell she cast on me.

My thoughts are all over as I held her hand dragging her to our room when she was rambling something which I wasn't even listening as I was lost in my own thoughts.

As soon as we entered my room which has no colours other than grey and black I wondered why she didn't changed any of the interiors.

I know she like brightful surroundings. And she was living in this room then why she didn't?

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