chapter 8

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Geetha's pov :

Past few days many things happened around me...

When Sadhvi came to our room and informed all that happened in her life I felt sad as she may have felt alone or even scared to accept this big change in her life. But she looked happy so I didn't dwelled into it.

When she said that they were going to keep their marriage a secret I felt angry. I so wanted to go and scold 'oh so good jeeju' but when she explained the whole thing I felt they were right. Who doesn't want to enjoy their college days. If they revealed it out I am cent percent sure that it will become the gossip of the day for several months.
Even jeeju looked popular in the college.

Actually I don't know why but I have asked Akki to send a picture of Ravi sir and his friend. I knew that jeeju is part of them.

'Or may be you wanted to see certain someone whose name who don't want to spell it out.' my subconscious mocked me which I ignored royally.

Literally these days my subconscious is betraying me a lot... Always going on mocking me about unknown Greek god. should be on my side on on his. I thought.

Even they are group of four...
I learnt that the name of unknown Greek god is Adarsh...and the other one is Rishi.

Adarsh...the name sounds good right?? I thought but I immediately shook my head to remove his thoughts from my brain.

Even Sadhvi said that he ce with them...eventhough I found it odd to know about it I didn't want my friend to be suspicious so I shrugged it off.

Actually I felt that he is so nice...when Savi said how he was there for jeeju when grandma passed away.
Good friends are rare and hard to earn. He is a good friend I thought.

I enquired if she wanted to inform our friends about her marriage which she apparently wanted to maintain as a secret or not...she said she need sometime. She will do it herself.
I agreed...she has her own privacy. Its her choice.

Actually it was weird sitting apart from my friends. Eventhough Savi was with me...Akki and Swapna were unstoppable in talking. And we all were habituated to that from last 2 years. Now that we got to sit silently I felt different. And also Savi didn't felt uncomfortable sitting with Varun. It's so thankful... because even if we aren't comfortable the seating arrangement isn't going to change. Good that she didn't mind it.
Varun...he is the most popular guy of our class.
He wasn't arrogant as I thought of him.
I heard he is all rounder...even when enjoying himself he scores good marks in examinations.

When we went for lunch we met Priya on our way. Priya accidentally called her Bhabhi... Akki looked so suspiciously at is even when we tried to cover it up.
I know it will be only a while until the cover will be blown up.
But Savi said she will just say it out as she was feeling anxious about what would have happened if they got to know from others.
I agree with her too...if I get to know about my friend from others I will be so upset.

So evening after class we all went to canteen.

We all ordered our food and waited for them. Suddenly she said she is married.
I almost spat the ice-cream from my mouth.
She already said she is going to say them but in this place....
I looked around to found canteen very crowdy. Thankfully she didn't shouted in her nervousness like I do sometimes.
Akki and Swapna were shocked but when they looked at me...
Their expression said it all
'You also knew about it and hid it from us...'
They accusingly glared at me before leaving from there. They didn't even cast a glance at Sadhvi and she was at the verge of crying.

I tried to say that maybe they couldn't grasp the sudden confession. They need sometime to process it.

But when we went back to dorms they were there...Sadhvi explained in which circumstances they were married and that she know we would worry about her that was why she didn't wanted to say.
They were upset but also happy for Sadhvi.
I looked at all...all their faces were brimming with happiness.
Days were passing so quickly...

Our college was conducting a fest. And when Sadhvi said she isn't doing anything,the seniors kind of targeted her. That's what I have felt. Mainly the girls.

So when they called her for helping even we all went with her.

We were assigned some work...which we tried to do silently not causing any ruckus. But they suddenly called for our Savi and started mocking her.

I was glaring at them angrily. If looks could kill they would have been dead long time back.

I felt helplessness...they were seniors and we couldn't just disrespect them. Eventhough I don't respect them in the real sense...if I go and interupt them bullying my Savi they will be even angry and surely make Savi pay the price.
So I was controlling myself from bursting out...and also a part of me was fearing the consequences I would face.

I am such a loser!!!!

But thankfully like a knight saving damsel in distress jeeju came.
He warned them to not bully Savi. I thought he would say she is his wife...but he said she is his sister's friend.
I scoffed when I heard that. Like really???

But anyways I thanked him sincerely for being there for Sadhvi when we couldn't even if we wanted too.

I saw him few times during this time...he keeps on appearing everywhere and I tried my best to not see him. He is like a magnet which grabs all of my attention to it.
I know something is happening and I don't want it to happen.
It's upto no good.
But he...he looks so handsome and like a gentleman he helped others in their works too.
I shook my head to shrug all of his thoughts running in my mind but it's quite impossible.

But thankfully with handful of work and also the drama happened on rose day took my mind of him.
We were busy gossiping about how Ria have rose to jeeju and how he ruthlessly rejected her.
When Varun gave friendship rose to Savi I was slightly jealous...just a little bit.
I don't want to lose Savi...what if she forgets me??
But deep inside I know that she will not do that and that made me happy too.
Soon today was the day for ball....

I was practically tired of seeing Ria and her so called friends everywhere.... Why can't they just leave my Savi alone??
I agree she likes jeeju,but she shouldn't anymore. He is a married man.
I hope someone could bring senses to that mad woman.
Just because jeeju took her side she is hell-bent on making Savi do most of the works.

Savi waken us up as we were deep in the slumber. We freshened up and got ready...
Akki and Swapna were late so me and Sadhvi went to college because I don't want to miss a ball.

I have heard about them in novels,haven't seen them in real life.
I want to see them...

As we have to wear Indian Sadhvi wore a fancy black netted saree. She was looking so pretty in the saree.

I have wore a light pink sequin saree with a silver blouse.
I hope I am looking good ....

When we entered the room I was almost drooling over the decorations
It's so beautiful...

Suddenly the music started. I know we have to dance. And I have few skills not like Akki who could rock the stage...but just enough to survive the party.

Varun came and asked for sadhvi's hand for a dance. Eventhough she was reluctant she agreed finally. They went to dance...and I was looking at them.

Suddenly I had a thought.
What is no one asks me for a dance??
It's not like I could go ask for a random boy for dance. And I dont talk with boys  without any work.
Yeah I know if not something to brag but I am like that...until and unless it was most necessary to talk with boys I won't talk with them. And I don't have any friends in them other than Varun.
I hope I don't embarrass myself....

Hello guys!!!
How are you all?

So who do you think asks Geetha for a dance???
Please share your views and don't forget to vote the chapter.

And I also request after the parts which were already mentioned in the previous book the book is going to be very interesting. So please patiently wait...

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