chapter 42

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Adarsh's pov :

After I said yes to the marriage I can see the happy glint in my mom's eyes which made me feel a little better in between the emotional turmoil I have been going through.

She was already planning what all things she wanted to do for my wedding.

Even I don't want to burst her happy bubble expressing my thoughts so I am just mum while staying there.

"Mom why don't we go for a picnic???" I asked her knocking my parents room door.

She immediately opened the door and askedme to come in. She was thinking about what I have just said.
"I agree....but why don't we take Geetha with us too??? We can enjoy together and also you both can talk with eachother. Wow... I will call her parents anyways she is our family now." My mom was stating with excitement.

"Mom mom mom....calm down. I want to say just us , like old times. I am missing those days. And I think her family won't agree so better not ask." I reasoned.

I really didn't want to have her around me.

Because it's damn confusing.....

For a minute I will be like

' I love you Geetha...I will probably die without you.'

And another minute I am like

' I hate her , she better don't come near me because I don't want to hurt her atleast for hurting me in return.'

I am jumping from here and there in between these things so I have decided I will keep my good distance from her.

It's better for me , for her....the both of us. It saves us from any unnecessary trouble.

Finally she agreed making me happy. We both infromed dad about our plans.....

And finally we are now in the car, I was driving while mom is in back seat , dad sat beside me.

My face clearly showing how helpless I am at that very situation.

'They are freaking telling me that we are going for temple as a picnic.'

I wa like what the hell are you talking....

When I meant to say picnic , It was a long ride where we stop at a hill , trekking , campfire and having food while making fun of dad.

But here....ok I don't want to offend anyone but I don't think any grownup will like going to temple much.

But atleast I get to enjoy nature here I thought as the drive towards that place is filled with dense forest and a reservoir with a river.

So after visiting temple we went for boating....filled our stomachs with yummy food without caring about the carbs I have been intaking.

After going back I probably need to hit gym more often for few days.

After coming back to home I was dead tired after driving car for more than 6 hours.

I haven't said Sid or my any other friends about marriage.

So I dailed Sid's number and waited as it ringed.soon he answered the call.

When I said him about marriage to my dismay he wasn't surprised.

Looks like bhabhi was already informed....

As the date isn't fixed yet I didn't know how to tell my friends so I have decide I will just invite them to wedding.

I haven't met up with Ravi and Rishi so I called them up asked them to meet me at the food corner where we usually go hangout.

Sadly Rishi was on duty today so only Ravi came.

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