chapter 35

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Geetha's pov :

I stood still in my place with my mouth opened agape....

I couldn't comprehend what happening for a while.

Is this real???

Is this really happening to me???

I blinked my eyes and still I can see him, to know if this is real I didn't think much before pinching myself on my forearm still looking at his direction only to wince in pain.

Looking at him after 2 long years it felt so unreal.

He was looking devilishly handsome....more than he was looking back then.

At that time he looked handsome, no point in denying when I was literally drooling over his looks , at the start I did it openly not infront of all but I saw his pictures very frequently and then it was confined to me sneakily looking at his pictures which I took screenshots hiding under the blanket while I was mourning over my love.

But he was now standing in all his glory.
And he looks like a complete different person.
He wasn't as lively as my Adi nor was he looking friendly.

His eyes were now having blazing fire in them and his aura was so cold.... And it made anyone think of him unapproachable.

Was he the same adi i know???
I had a question but the answer just stood right in front of my eyes at the distance looking at me parents when they were discussing something.

I felt a fear running through my spine.
'Is adi a relative of the guy whom I am gonna marry???'

If this is right....I would prefer to die than marrying that guy, because I can't just stay with him when adi is right infront of my eyes.

I may not be a good person to say this but I can't control myself if adi is near, that was the reason I avoided savi's talks about him, eventhough they weren't intentional.

'What if my parents gets to know about us??? Or what if Adi accidentally spills it out???
I absolutely dread my Dad's reaction...'

I wanted to run away back to the home seeing, to avoid going there when adi is present.
I would just come back later until then he would leave hopefully.
And after that I will plead the guy and ask him not to marry me.

I was thinking about all the plans I am gonna apply in my life but unfortunately my Amma saw me just when I turned back to climb the steps again.

"Beta....come here we are waiting for you." She said.

But my heart was beating wildly.
I hesitated before slowly turning to their side but my Amma was a bit impatient as she again shouted my name to call me.


I wanted to shout back saying I can listen you don't need to call my name and alert Adi.

But at that time I was so nervous and I can see adi looking at me with pure shock evident on his face as if he saw a ghost.

A bitter feeling spread through my body looking at that.

I wish he was pleasantly surprised seeing me but much to my dismay it was shock which stabbed right through my heart.

I bit my lips nervously as I stood as a statue not knowing what to do or what's gonna happen now....

Does Adi know my to be husband???

I don't want to marry now....
My eyes started tearing up.

I feel so drained and it's so unfair for me to go through this.

All this time I was trying to put up with my life and now here I should go through this again.

"Come and greet him." My Amma's voice snapped at me making me jerk in my place.

I sneakily rubbed by tear which fell from one of my eye.

I lowered my head as I could feel his cold eyes looking at me intensely.

I felt like a specimen which the whole class gonna examine right concious that I want to run out from here.

Seeing my slow pace,my Amma grabbed my hand pulled me towards the seats they all sat.

"Look who is here. I want you both to meet before marriage." said.

'why does she want me to meet adi??? Does she know anything about us?'

I heard her sigh in defeat as she said

"You both are so dumb. Can't even initiate conversation how will you live with eachother after marriage???" She said exasperated.

I wanted to chuckle at how dramatic she was but her last sentence caught me off guard.

'what does she mean by after marriage?? What does that got to do with adi???'

"You both are so hope less even now your mouths are shut.
So let me take the charge here....
Adi she is Geetha the guy we choose for you and dear he is adi my son." She said.
But I could see that adi wasn't very happy about his mother, because he was glaring as if he saw his enemy....


I was so overwhelmed with the emotions I am feeling right now.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

I wanted to say that I am happy to see him again....
I wanted to say that I really regretted not professing my love
I wanted to ask how was he living.... Was he sad and missed me just i missed him???
Or did he move on???

I prayed god secretly that he shouldn't move on....

Now this whole situation felt like a light shone from the smallest crack filling up my life with light which previously had nothing but darkness.

I didn't want to lose that light.... I don't want to lose this new hope which made me feel like I could be happy too.

But Adi was making me so anxious.

His behaviour was odd and I couldn't predict what he was thinking....

Was he even fine with marrying me????

Geetha, she was now trapped between what ifs...the possibilities and insecurities.

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