chapter 14

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Geetha's pov:

So today I woke hearing the unstoppable alarm...

I looked at the traitor...Gosh this girl! can't she switch it off already??? If she couldn't wake up why the hell she needed an alarm in the first place?? she.... she is so bloody infuriating me!!!! I could just kill her.... Look at HER HIGHNESS, How peacefully she is sleeping  and here I am woken up from my beauty sleep. 

I think I am not needed to reveal the name of that...sorry HER HIGHNESS , Its none other than Akki who is hellbent to die in my hands.

I so wanted to sleep in today... thanks to certain someone who is as hell bent as Akki and didn't let me sleep yesterday night. Why do he always shows up in my mind and messes it up than it already is?????

Yesterday night when I tried to sleep his thoughts didn't left my  mind as I stayed up late thinking about him. And now she , she kept an alarm and now she isn't even bothering about it.

I had to wake up and switch it up. I woke up grumpy today... don't know what's gonna happen today. Actually I believe that we should always wake with a smile on our face even if we aren't much happy , because it gives us a new hope for the new day. I think we should atleast stop worrying about our life in the morning and enjoy our sleep as we will be dragged into the reality after we wake up anyways. Whynot enjoy limited happiness we have for now.

May be I will be the one whining about my life at the end of the day but for now SMILE GEETHA!!!

I looked at the clock. It was 8:00 AM . Who keeps an alarm to wake up at 8... surely Akki's things. They aren't gonna wake up, so I got out of the bed even I feel like kicking Akki out of the bed, because I know if i do that she will make sure to avenge me. I don't wanna take chances.

So after my morning chores I was ready for the college and my dear friends were still sleeping. They will late for postings and if I dont wake them up now  they will whine about how I left them in the dorm ad went alone, they surely are drama queens. and I choose to not mess up with them,but not to forget they are sweethearts.

As soon as they got of the bed they huriedly ran into the washrooms but they were shouting I LOVE YOU GEETHA!!! On their way. They are such a kids. I love them...

I waited for them as they got ready...why didn't Sadhvi came here today. She come to the dorm and then we will go to hospital most of the times. Suddenly my mobile rang,as expected it was she.

I said we are on the way to postings as the devils are already ready...
Soon we are walking on the road as we encountered Sadhvi.

She greeted us...but Akki looks upset as Sadhvi isn't spending time with her these days. But we can't blame her as now she is busy in her own life. She invited us tomorrow to her home for dinner.
We all agreed immediately as we all need to meet up and chat. It's been long since we did that.
It would be thoughts broke as Varun came and sidehugged Sadhvi ...which took her on surprise.
She gave a small smile. I know she won't like hugging someone so I immediately butter in-between their conversation.
And here comes the annoying Varun.

You know I could now laugh at myslef for thinking that he would snatch my best friend from me... How did I even think that.
Ok but now we all are close friends. Even though he is a bit more concerned about Sadhvi , it's like he cares for her as a family. But he never fails to annoy me.

He teases me a lot...I mean a lot by saying lot. He irritates me so much, I won't deny even I irritate him. But he is the one who starts everything.
I just reply him which turns out to be a huge battle in between us.

So we were arguing suddenly Sadhvi left saying she needs to go.
I understood that jeeju called her as she was nervous , and also Varun don't know about them so I kept quite making sure he doesn't doubt anything.
Soon we bid goodbyes with Akki and Swapna , and walking through the entrance.

"Shorty we need to take a case today. Let's do it together." Varun said.
Why is he trying to irk me more than I already is.

"It's you who is abnormally tall alright." I scoffed saying.
I said truth he is like 6 feet and my height will certainly short for him ,but he can't call me enraging is that!!!

"Surely you are my cutie shorty pie." He said smirking at me.

I glared at him for calling me with such annoying names.
I have said many times to not call such disgusting names but he never listens to me.
I agree he is a good friend but he can't call such embarrassing names Infront of all.
But who are we talking about!! He ignores my remarks as he continues his ways.

"Stop calling me like that." I muttied under my breath as I don't want to catch anyone's attention when I am in the fully busy ER they will look at me like a psychotic patient.,which I don't want.
"You look cute when you are angry. So much that I like riling you up." He said.

"Ok...if we both team up the ending isn't going to be good anyways so let's split up and meet after posting. Ok??" I asked.

We are asked to submit case sheets, if we both are together without Sadhvi we will end up bickering all the time ignoring our work.

Even he agreed so I went and joined others. After sometimes Sadhvi joined us.
Even when my curious mind wanted to ask her why she was blushing so much I shut my mouth as I don't want to embarrass her much.

Soon we submitted our papers.
"I will go call Varun." Sadhvi said. I nodded, so she left to call Varun who was still writing something standing in a corner of the room.

I am impatiently waiting for them. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned to look who was it annoyingly.
I am hungry for god's sake they couldn't make is any faster???

I am sure I am now opening my mouth as a fish...

He...why is he calling me???

Did he see me like this...I am surely must be looking like a shit with messy hair and ugly expression on my face.

' why are you trying to look good to him. Yesterday you were saying you will not care about him.' my subconscious mocked me.

Which I choose to ignore as at this moment all I care about is him.

"Miss???" He said waving his hand in front of me.
How embarrassing. He might me thinking I am staring at me.

' you were staring at me.' my mind mocked.
Yeah...but he should know that fact.

" Oh yeah??" I said coming out of the trance.

" Actually...nothing I just wanted to borrow your case sheets. Sir wanted me to check for any mistakes in there " he said he came for that.
I thought he came for me. May be I should keep track on my over imagination.
What was I even hoping when he don't even seem to know me.

" Sorry but I have already submitted them." I said and excused from there , as I surely don't want a heart break now.
He...does he even remember me???

See you soon on the next update.
Next update is about the get together day...
Wait for it guys❤️

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