chapter 9

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Geetha's pov:

I looked at Sadhvi to see if she is uncomfortable dancing with Arun but she looks fine.
May be she really treats him as a friend.

I kinda felt jealous but I love my friend and I trust that she will never leave me for new friends...and if Varun is a nice guy who can mingle with us all it will be even nice to have more people.

I sighed as I went to grab a drink...which is obviously a cold drink guys. No one in college provides you alcohol.
And I tell you...I have a desire to taste alcohol atleast once in my lifetime. May be after I start working I can...

If my parents ever find out that I want to drink...ufff they will definitely beat the shit out of me.

I can imagine my Amma holding a broom in her hand with her messy hair all ready to take my life and my Dad giving his infamous glares which were more than enough for me to bury me hundred feets underground.

And don't even dare to imagine my Dad's reaction if he comes to know about todays party and that we have to dance with our opposite gender...he will grab me by my hair and take me back to our home. Thankfully I didn't mentioned anything at home. 

'Don't over estimate yourself GEETHA!!!! Do you think anyone will notice you?? It's noy any small town like back at home...that boys run around you and you keep on rejecting them. ' My mind mocked me.

I sighed...I think these days my mind is not having any other work than constantly belittling me

POOR MEE.....Hmphh I should stop listnening to it. So what if boys are not running around me? I am so happy with my life now. And to think positively it's good for me too... I can now rest assured now rather than always being tensed like I was in my school days.
I am not bragging guys...that days I was always alert as there were few guys of my school who used to follow me daily. They didn't cause any nuisance...and used to go away just when I glare at them but if my sisters with whom my realtions are not quite well may complain this thing to my parents which may make me stop going school.

I quite like this college and the environment one cares about others and most of the times they don't keep poking their noses into other businesses.

I stopped my drink which instantly made me I was looking around while sipping my drink.
I waved at my friends Akki and Swapna who just came to the venue.
This lazy asses always takes time to get ready.
Swapna smiled in my way as she was walking towards me.
I took her favourite drink and gave it to her as she stood beside me.
I looked at Akki who was almost running towards god knows where...
I raised my brow in question at Swapna if she knows.
"Bro..." She said.
I nodded my head in understanding.

While getting ready she was cursing Ravi sir as if he is her enemy who isn't allowing her to wear her favourite dress now look at how she is running...she is really desperate when her words says the opposite.

"Wasn't she saying she's gonna breakup with that possessive brat!!" I said the same exact sentences Akki was uttering when I was in room.
Swapna chuckled listening to that.
"Just one call from the other side changed the whole direction."she said.
I laughed listening to this.

"Aren't you going to dance??" I asked Swapna.
She shook her head and said
"No chance...if my love gets to know that...huff I can't bear the whole appeasing session. I better stand her and watch the drama."

I smiled at she is speaking like she is having a over bearing boyfriend when she does the same exact thing even if she gets to know he speaks to a girl. She sure is a mad girl.

I looked at Akki's direction where she was almost dragging Ravi sir towards the dancing platform when he was resisting. I laughed looking in that direction.
Ravi sir never dances...Akki was the one who said it,may be she is making him dance...

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