chapter 11

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Adarsh's pov:

Here I am.
Actually there was nothing new in my life that was worth mentioning you guys.

Ok there thing. That girl back at the temple, I saw her in our college when Bhabhi came to meet us in canteen. She accompanied Bhabhi...may be they are friends.
I only knew Akhila or Akki Ravi's girlfriend as he talks about her very often, sometimes dreamily what a love struck fool he was and sometimes like an domestically abused husband...talking about how she is making his life hell.

So I casually said " Why not just breakup with her?you can live peacefully."

But he erupted like a volcano. wasn't even my fault. He was saying how she isnt listening to him and doing everything he is opposing her to do. I just gave a useful suggestion.
He can listen to me or not it's his choice but for the first time seeing Ravi like that...I shuddered.

He was literally throwing fireballs in my direction.

"I was just kidding" I tried to cover up.
Actually I really meant it...but then again they both look good together other than their usual bantering.

'Or may be you should stop being judgemental regarding they are are not like them...' my mind put some sense in my head.

I have my own reasons to hate relationships or at some stage of my life I literally despised love and marriages... But after seeing Ravi and Akhila at some corner of my heart I felt I may be wrong.

Yeah...I may be but now I feel it's better. I support my friends in fighting for their love but I will stay away from  love.

In my opinion it's extremely dangerous for the wellbeing of the humans.

But then again the flashes of a girl with chocolate brown orbs were running in my mind these days.

Ok not often as they used to during the starting days but every now and then I remind her.

She look... ethereal in the saree.

Sure she is a beautiful girl but she isn't the one for me.
And I will made sure of that.

At the age of 17 I have decided firmly that I will never fall in the trap called love.
My buddy from childhood days was cheated on... His lover whom he used to proclaim the undying love, the ones who used to set the couple goals were spoiled lives. Love was the reason. If only he didn't loved her so much...
She cheated on him...he was heart broken to the extent that he committed suicide.
It was like incense to the fire I have already had.

From then I stood on my decision which I am very glad.

But this girl...
The girl from the wedding...she is in my mind like a virus to the computer. Not leaving me alone...

So I tried my best to avoid her.
Even when I saw her randomly I immediately averted my eyes or even walked out of that place. It was for my well being...

So today was the one of the fest days...
We had a Indian style ballroom arranged in which starters and cold drinks were served at the corner.
It gave a perfect ball room vibes with the dim lighting. Only difference was we had to try on ethnic wear not the tuxedos we usually wear there.

Our whole gang was busy since morning in making preparations to the party.
Sometimes I wonder why I volunteered in the college committee. It's such a kind wreaking thing...need to do many works and even physically draining.
But thanks to our good boy Ravi...
He knows our college principal.
Apparently they are distant he ordered him to be in that committee so he dragged us along with him.
I thought it was cool...but now I am having second thoughts.

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