Chapter 61

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Geetha's pov :

We are now sitting in a car...
By we I mean me and my dearest husband who was sitting there sulkingly stealing few glances at me which didn't went unnoticed by me but I acted oblivious to that.

I was feeling extremely nervous...not for the party but what follows after that , I mean confession.

I never knew it would be so hard.
I mean I feel like sitting on hot pan whenever I imagine myself to say I love you to him , it's so exhausting...mentally but the things we could get if everything went's so precious and I know it would be worth it.

Everything has both pros and cons but when I weigh them in my current situation I see more pros...the only con is that Adi may reject me or worse he may say he has moved on and has no intentions to be with me.

But I should only think about positive things right now I reprimanded my mind.

Soon the car came to hault infront of a  villa...which looked similar to the one besides it.

I looked around in awe as I thought how luxurious it would be and not to forget the how expensive it is.

But it was so beautiful to look around as the lushy garden which was small yet was sufficient for gardening few vegetables and flowers of different kind.
Suddenly I felt like asking 'Why don't we stay here??' for Adi.
As I know he is rich enough to buy this at a snap of his finger , but I continued gaping at it not opening my mouth.

"Let's get inside." I heard him speak as I looked at him before nodded my head.

I followed him as he went towards the building as he rang the doorbell.

After few seconds vinay opened the door for us adn I smiled brightly at him which he returned with same intensity.

"Hello cutie!!" He called me with the new nickname he kept for me apparently to make my hubby jealous.

"Hey Vinu..." I called out as we both entered home as Vinay signalled us to come inside.

I can feel a cold glare in my direction which was obviously from Adi...
I giggled mentally as I kept a straight face outside.

Vinay held my arm as he dragged me towards my friends...

"See how they are behaving with me..." Vinay said showing me smug looking Anu and Vaishu who was sitting beside her as if she has her full support in whatever Anu was doing.

"Now don't be a whiny baby" Anu said sarcastically.

I don't know what they are even talking about so I asked them the same.

"From the time they came inside they are behaving like this is their own house and I am some servant of them...keeping on ordering me to do things." Vinay vented out his frustation.

Anu is really dangerous and Vaishu is like an angel but she will be in Anu's team in plotting against Vinay.
Apparatus Vaishu like Vinay when he whines with his cute baby face.

I wonder from which angle does Vinay look like a baby or even cute...he has a hulk body if I said what Vaishu said to Vinay he will definitely start his whining again eating my head.

"Ok now don't be kids...let's share every work. This is our friend's party so we have to give our help." I said.

I thankgods because its first time Anu listened to me when I just asked single time...not after my constant requesting.

They all went to open kitchen which was visible from the livingroom we are standing in.
I turned towards Adi as I said
" Why don't you rest few minutes everyone will come."

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