⇜Chapter 25⇝

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   "Mrs. Irving, Kyrie does indeed have a concussion. We gave him some medication to deal with the pain, but as for now, all he really needs is to get something in his system and rest." The team physician explained everything to me regarding Kyrie's medicine. "Thank you." I glanced over at Kyrie who was looking at the floor. I took him by the arm, leading him to the court. "Olivia, baby, its time to go." I called for her. "Can't I stay for a little longer, Mommy? Please?" She poked out her bottom lip, forcing me to say yes. I walked over to Savannah, LeBron's wife.

   "Hey Kirsten." She smiled, hugging me, in which I kindly returned. "Kyrie has a concussion," Savannah frowned immensely. "That's terrible." She said. "Very. And Olivia wants to stay here for the game. Can you watch her and bring her home after-" "Say no more. I've got her." She smiled. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Savannah." I smiled widely, thinking of all the free time Kyrie and I would have. "No problem." She said, now watching the team practice. "Olivia, you be good for Mrs. Savannah, okay?" I asked her, and she nodded vigorously. "Alright, Mommy loves you." I kissed her forehead.

   "Bye Daddy!" Olivia ran up to him, giving him a right hug. "Bye baby girl. I love you." He smiled, holding her hands. "I love you, too." She said, going back over to Savannah. "Come on, Kyrie. Let's go get you well fed and rested." I took his hand in mine, leading him to the car. Our ride home was quiet. I hummed along to the song on the radio. Parking in the driveway, we both went in the house. Kyrie threw himself on the couch instantly, while I went into the kitchen. "Ky, what do you want to eat?" I asked, getting no response. "Kyrie?" I walked into the living room to him sound asleep. That was fast. I shook him lightly, his eyes cracking open. "Kyrie, you need to eat."

   I felt weird saying that. I don't usually tell him to eat. I typically spend most of my time trying to get him to stop. "I'm not hungry." He mumbled, closing his eyes again. "Babe, please? For me?" I asked, kissing his lips softly. He huffed, getting up. I smiled, following him into the kitchen. "Only for you." He smiled, sitting at the island. He wiped some of the sleep out of his eyes. "Why do I see 2 of you?" He asked, looking at me as if I had 8 heads. I rested my hand on my hip. "Side effects of your medicine, boo. Now, what do you want to eat?" I asked again. "How about we start with desert?" He kissed my jaw lightly, his facial hair tickling my neck. I giggled, running my hand over his scalp.

   "I thought you were so concussed." I joked. "A little headache is supposed to stop me from sex? Only in your dreams, my love." He smiled, kissing my hand. I rolled my eyes at the cheeky man. He was a trip..

A/N:: my aunt makes the best salmon cakes. lol, but vote please.! Ily❤ ~QveenKaep

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