⇜Chapter 34⇝

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1 Week Later

   "Olivia, please take your medicine for me?" Kyrie begged, holding the spoon out to her. She shook her head, pouting. "I want Auntie Abigail to-" "Baby cakes, Auntie Abigail isn't here. We've been over this." Kyrie sighed. All week long, after Olivia's surgery, she's only wanted Abigail to give her the disgusting medicine she's prescribed.

   How do I know it's disgusting? Let's just say it looks a lot like tea. After more much persuading, Olivia finally took her medicine. She took her pink blanket in her arms, and I adjusted her pink footie-pajamas. Taking my hand, I brushed her curly hair behind her ear. "Are you going to sleep, Livia?" I asked her. She let out a little yawn, scrunching up her face. Then, she nodded.

   I kissed her forehead, and she kissed me cheek. "Goodnight baby girl." I smiled, but she didn't seem to be feeling all that well, so she responded with a small frown. I looked at her, admiring how much she looks like Kyrie. Each time I look at her, she grews more and more like him. "Goodnight Mommy." She crawled on the couch between Kyrie and I.

   She climbed in his lap, cuddling up to him. He smiled at his daughter, rubbing her back while she fell asleep in his embrace. I stood up, going to the bathroom. When I sat down, I grunted at the back pain this baby is putting me through. Breathing steadily, I finished up, and went back into the living room where Kyrie and Olivia were both curled up together on the couch.

   I smiled at how cute they looked, taking out my phone. I took a picture of them, posting it on Instagram.

   "QveenGriff32: My two precious babies. @k1irving & Olivia.❤ Aren't they just the sweetest thang.? lol"

   I posted it, and seconds later, I heard Kyrie's phone vibrate to notify him of the post. Instantly, I got hundreds of likes. I slipped my phone away into my pocket, turning the TV off. Kissing both of their foreheads, I went back upstairs. I stretched, carefully though. This baby was a pain in the ass.. Literally..

A/N:: _writersblock & I's texts right now are too mucchhh. -QveenKaep

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