⇜Chapter 37⇝

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14 Weeks Later

I shook my head, as Kyrie still hasn't returned home. He missed him and Olivia's daddy-daughter ice cream date, which absolutely broke her heart. She cried for hours until she fell asleep. It was about 11:30 when Kyrie docked through the door, and he smelled like the last thing I needed him smelling like around Olivia: alcohol.

"Kyrie, where have you been?" I asked, but not loudly. I didn't want to wake Olivia upstairs. "I went out with the guys tonight." He answered, and thankfully, he wasn't drunk. Or anymore. He was about 70% sober.

"Well, what about Olivia? Or are 'the guys' more important than she is?" I crossed my arms, rolling my eyes at him. He huffed, defeated. "Look, I'm sorry, okay?" He grabbed my arm, pulling me into him. "Don't say sorry to me," I pushed him away.

"Say sorry to your daughter who cried herself to sleep over you never showing up." He sighed a strong sigh, sitting on the couch with closed eyes. Kyrie was unbelievable. Its like he didn't even care. I try to put myself in his shoes anyway.

But having to think about the stress of the season was the only problem that came to mind. "Do you even give a crap, Kyrie? About me or Olivia, or anything for that matter?" I was getting pissed.

He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, then shook his head. "Are we really doing this right now-" "Yes Kyrie, we are. We're back in the same boat we were in before Olivia was born. Its all about you, you, you!" I shouted, walking in the kitchen as he followed behind me.

"Mommy, Daddy, why are you yelling?" A small voice asked, rubbing her eyes. A tired Olivia had made her way from upstairs in the mist of the volcano erupting in the living room/kitchen area. "Olivia, go upstairs." Kyrie demanded, and I almost decked him in the face for talking to her in such a tone.

"But Daddy-" "Go!" Be yelled, and she started to cry. "Kyrie, are you crazy?!" I walked over to her, picking her up. I took her upstairs, tucking her back in. From downstairs I heard car keys rattle and the from door slam shut. "Mommy, does Daddy hate me?" She asked quietly, as if he could hear her.

I closed my eyes and let out a short breath. I was angry at the simple fact that her father acted out in such a way that she would even consider that. "No, Princess. Your Daddy loves you very much, he is just being stupid right now." She let out a small giggle, and that caused me to laugh a bit too.

I felt baby Lorenzo kick, and I took Olivia's hand to place on my stomach. She gasped excitedly, a large smile stretching across her face. "Alright, you need your sleep, boo," I adjusted her blanket, standing up. Tucking a small curl behind her ear, and kissing her forehead, I turned her light out.

"Goodnight Mommy and Brother." She said to both Lorenzo and I, hugging her stuffed bear Kyrie got her for her 5th birthday. "Goodnight O Baby." I smiled, turning on her night light as I left her room, but still kept the door open. I tried calling Kyrie, but his phone went straight to voicemail every time.

I rolled my eyes, going to take a hot bath to relieve 85% of my stress. I ran the water, and I put my hair in a bun before taking off my shirt. I took off my pants and as I did, I felt Lorenzo kick again. I rolled my eyes at the very active baby. He has always been this way.

I took as much time needed for this bath, and when I emerged from the bathroom, after about 25 minutes, Kyrie still hadn't showed up. I got ready for bed, putting my hair into a loose side braid. I put my phone on the nightstand, and I got in bed. As soon as I laid down, I felt something wet between my legs, accompanied by a sharp pain. "What the.."

My water just broke..

A/N:: going to try & listen to my doctor & get 8-10 hours of sleep. Its only 10:00 PM y'all, but night & comment please.❤ -GxddessK

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