⇜Chapter 31⇝

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That Day

   "Kyrie, when should I wake Olivia?" I asked him, kind of concerned. Ever since her headache, she's been in a deep sleep. I was on the couch, rubbing my stomach. It was growing now. He glanced at me through his adorable prescription glasses. "Yeah, it is kind of late." He answered, checking his phone. It was 12:26 PM. I stood up slowly, Kyrie helping me, and walked up to our bedroom.

   Olivia was sleeping in the middle of the large, king-sized bed. I put the back of my hand to her forehead, and she felt a little warm. "Olivia, Princess." I spoke to her softly. My used my hand to shake her sleeping figure. She stirred before fluttering her eyes open. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked her, and before she could say anything, she gagged.

   "Oh my Lord.." I mumbled to myself, knowing what she was about to do in our bed if I didn't act quick enough. I leaned down, handing her the small, trashcan beside the bed. She threw up in it, and all of my pregnancy hormones almost made me do the same. "Kyrie, could you come here?" I called for him, as he was most likely still on the couch.

   I held my nose as long as I could, because if I didn't, there would be 2x the amount of throw up. When Kyrie walked in the room, I immediately left. "Can you get her cleaned up, please?" I asked him, taking deep breaths from the hallway. He groaned. "I have to?" He whined, poking out his lip. "Yes, unless you want to clean up mine, too." I suggested. "I'll take cleaning up just hers for 200, Alex." He joked, causing me to roll my eyes.

   "I'll be downstairs, getting myself together.." I mumbled, making my way to the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water, sitting at the counter. "Knock knock!" I heard a female voice singsong, walking into the kitchen. I smiled softly, sipping my water. "Hey Savannah." I finished my water, putting my glass in the sink.

   She hugged me tightly, giving me such a warm smile. "How's everything been lately? You been okay?" She asked, taking off her jacket. I took it from her, hanging it in the closet by the front door. "Everything has been just dandy. I think Olivia has come down with something, though." She gasped, having a seat at the table.

   "Well, that's not good.." She muttered, but I still heard her. "She had a weird headache at about 12:30 this morning. So, I gave her some Benadryl, in hopes it would help. But now she's throwing up." I explained, rubbing my stressed temples. "Do you think it has anything to do with how she was sick when she was younger?" She asked, checking her phone.

   I stared into nowhere in such deep thought. "I didn't think anything of that. Maybe it is.." I sadly reminisced over the moments she was sick as a baby. It was such a dark period in our lives, but it made sense. I didn't know if she was having headaches then, but it did explain her unexplainable crying at the time. And her throwing up.

   I looked at Savannah, my eyes now wide as dinner plates. "Dear God.." I got up, pulling my shoes on as fast as a pregnant woman can do so. I went upstairs, and went into the bedroom. Kyrie was at the foot of her bed, careful not to get sick. He was telling her his hilarious past stories that she loved to hear. "Olivia, let's go. We have to get you dressed." I helped her out of the bed, taking her over to her pink, Princess chester drawer full of her clothes.

   "Kirsten, what are you doing?" Kyrie asked, noticing how much in a hurry I was in. "We're taking her to the hospital," I told him. "Olivia, change into this, okay?" I handed her a blue shirt with sequins on it and her blue jeans. She looked at me, not moving. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I can't change with Daddy in here.." She explained. Kyrie scoffed at his daughter's innocent words.

   "Olivia, I saw your butt before you did. Who do you think changed your diapers when Mommy wasn't home?" He asked, crossing his arms playfully, and she looked from me to him, then back to me. "Kyrie, getting out of here." I pushed him out of the room, but not before hearing him mumble "I hope she hides it from those no good boys like she hides it from me."

   I let out a giggle, closing the door behind him. There are certain moments when Kyrie's inner father comes out. This is one of them. "Alright baby girl, now you can get dressed."

A/N:: tired, but my story almost has 7k reads & 700 votes, so here's a long chap.! Vote it please. Ily❤ -QveenKaep

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