⇜Chapter 39⇝

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"Ah!" I yelled in pain while Kyrie fast walked beside the stretcher as they rushed me in a room. They had me immediately rushed in a delivery room where they had me hooked up to an IV to give me fluids.

The nurse rubbed the cold liquid on my shirt, making me jump a bit, but Kyrie held my hand. He gave it multiple kisses, trying to give me comfort from such pain.

"He's defintely ready to come out of there." The nurse smiled, showing me how Lorenzo was positioned and soon ready for me to push.

I kept my eyes tightly shut, taking so many deep breaths, I was beginning to get a little lightheaded.

"Kirsten, I'm so sorry that I-" Before Kyrie could finish his sentence, my palm flew to his cheek with a semi hard slap. I had to get him to listen some way.

"Kyrie, I'm hours away from birthing this baby. Whatever we were arguing about before is dead and gone." I let out a whimper, still breathing deeply.

"Just please, please don't do it again." I said through gritted teeth. He seemed surprised, to say the least. But he nodded. I grunted, grabbing the fist full of his shirt tighter.

"Good. Now let's get this baby out of me."


"Come on baby, you're doing great." Kyrie has been holding my hand for the past 2 hours and all we had was the top of Lorenzo's head. My progress was very slow. It was slower than with Olivia.

My tears ran down my cheeks along with sweat. "Kyrie, I don't think I can do this." I cried, pain taking over me. I couldn't do this much longer. It was too much.

"You can do this, baby. I know you can." He reassured, and I tried to take his advice. It had to be at least 2:00 AM. This was about to be a hell of a morning..

Weeks Later

"Kyrie, I'm home!" I walked through the door, a humorous shock greeting me as I entered the living room. Kyrie was sitting on the couch, Olivia asleep across his lap and Lorenzo in his arms.

He truly looked like a Father. I smiled to myself. "Kyrie, what is Lorenzo wearing?" I asked, walking over to him. I was close to tears from laughing. "I forgot to pick up more diapers, and he popped his last one, so I improvised." He smiled.

Covering Lorenzo's bottom was a maxi-pad, a dish towel, and a headband. I covered my mouth, trying not to wake Olivia from laughing so hard. Even Kyrie found it funny.

"This is by far the worst makeshift diaper I've ever seen." I picked Lorenzo up, and he slept in my arms as I took him upstairs to change him into a real diaper. I laid him in the diaper changer in his nursery, pulling my phone out my back pocket.

I took a picture, posting it on InstaGram and tagging Kyrie.

"The things he'll do when I'm not home. This is why I love you, baby.! lol @K1Irving."

After posting it, I changed Lorenzo into a real diaper this time, and he gave a small smile in his sleep. He was so cute. I scooped him up in my arms, walking over to the rocking chair. I sat down, brushing his small hairs out of his face..

A/N:: y'all, we just had the best Wattpad group chat on Kik for the longest time. We had 13 people join in & we had so much fun. I'd love to do it again some time.! ❤ -GxddessK

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