Jan 7th

51 1 0

Word of the day:established

I had the computer in front of me again and I was minuets away from accessing the government files Smith wanted me to get for him.

"Are you done yet?" he asked.

"Nearly! I am working on it. I can't physically go any faster."

"You better or your sister is going to wish that her arm wasn't attached to her body."

"Look, Mr Smith, I'm trying my hardest here. There isn't anything I can do to make it go faster."

"Well you'd better try to go faster."

"Look, I'm in. What files did you want?"

"All of the ones with a number six on the end."

"Most of them have a number six on the end"


"Nothing, just forget I said anything."


"you've got assess to nine out of the of the files. The other ones I'm struggling with."

"Not good."

"Best I've got."

"Try harder."

"We've ESTABLISHED I can't do everything."

"When was this ESTABLISHED?"

"Oh har har har. How very funny."

"It won't be funny when you have a huge scar going down your arm will it?"

"I'm not being funny. I'm just telling you the truth."

"Well, maybe I don't appreciate it."

"Well, maybe I don't appreciate being made to hack into government files."

"Oh please! It's the exact same thing you used to do for your little group of friends."

"Yeah, but then I did it to stay away from you. Not to bring the country to its knees."

"Ahhh well, a goal is a goal."

"Not when it's genuinely evil it isn't."

"My goal isn't evil, Miss Poymol. On the contary, the inmates at Smith's prison for violent and otherwise dangerous juveniles, women and men found it positively marvellous idea."

"Oh you named a prison after yourself."

"Why yes, I recall your father doing a similar thing."

"My father never opened a prison. He opened a home for people with criminally insane minds."

"I am not criminally insane."

"Well, I have to disagree."

"Disagree all you want Miss Poymol. You're only making things worse for yourself."

"I'm sorry Mr Smith."

"What for child?"

"The government found out they are being hacked."


"This amazing thing called the internet."


"One of their people saw that a load of government files were disappearing off e system."


"I thought you wanted me to steal the files.,

"I Did!"

"That's what I did."


"I did what you said Mr Smith. Can me and my sister go now?"

"Not going to ask for your mothers freedom?"

"She made her choice. She sold me and my sister and my brother and my aunt and my cousin and my uncle out. All for a lousy cup of sugar. No way am I going to be asking for anything for her."

"As you wish."

"What, I can go!"

"No. You can't."

"But you said..."

"I know what I said Miss Poymol. People often lie to get things they want done. Had you not noticed."

"Why yes I had Mr Smith. I just assumed that you were a man of his word."

"Oh I am. Just not to little sluts like you."

"Piss off!"

"Goodbye Miss Poymol."

"Goodbye Mr Smith."

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