Feb 24th

26 1 2

Word of the day: Berk

Carters POV:

I didn't get away.

I wasn't free.

But she was. Kemi was free.

"Get up dick." Said Paris.

"Oh knock it of Bitch." I said with a sigh.

Paris hated me because I didn't really want to be with smith.

"I said, get up." She said, before pulling me to my feet.

"What's your problem you fucking Berk!" I shouted.

"Me! You flipping tit! Josh, tell me we ain't gonna let 'im get away with cocking it up!" Said Paris.

"No." Said Josh.

"We are taking him to Smith." Said Paris.

"Yes," he said, before turning to me "now get off your arse you fucking Pillock."

"No need for that was there." I muttered.

They started dragging me along and I didn't bother fighting bak - it would have made 'em more angrier.

"What do you think she's gonna do?" Paris asked Josh.

"She ain't a dog and bone on 'er so I reckon she's gonna walk around till she finds 'em. Fuck knows how long that's gonna take." Replied Josh.

"I just want Smith to find the trollop. It'll be a right laugh I we get her won't it?" Paris said with a laugh.

"Are you fucking gonna take me to smith you bloody duffers?" I whined.

"Nar, I'm gonna go make me self a cup of Rosie lee first." Said Paris.

I didn't bother saying nothin' because she's a prat and would probably hit me or something.

"Gordon Bennett!" Said Josh "she shot smith!"

They ran over to him.

I took my chance and ran into the forest that surrounded Smith's place as fast as I could.

I ran until I was out of breath.

"Hello stranger." Said a voice behind me.

I turned around.

There she was.


Ok, I know there's a ridicules amount of grammatical errors in this. They're supposed to be there. It's because Carter, Paris and Josh are proper cockneys, hence the absurd insults. If you don't know what any of them mean, message me or comment or whatever.

Who do you think Carter saw?


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