Jan 10th

48 1 2

Word of the day:Anarchy

I was still sitting at the table, but I had no clue what was going on.


"How on earth would I know, you brat!" shouted Smith but I could see he had a plan.

"Guards, go and see what's going on. I need to know - NOW!"

Guards? What was this? The middle Ages?

"Can I leave?"

"No! Not until is know what's going on. You can stay right here with me."



"So, how's your day been?"

"Don't mess with me, Poymol."

"Poymol? What happened to the miss?"

"You're lucky I'm not calling you something much, much worse."

"Me! What have I done! I've been trying to cooperate"

"Well, you haven't done a very good job! The entire establishment is in anarchy!"

"I still don't see how this is my fault."

"You obviously told somewhere where you were staying!"

How could I! I had no clue where I was!

"How could I? I don't even know where I am!"

"You must have told someone. I knew I should never have let you go on that computer without me watching your every move."

"But you were watching my every move. It's not my fault you didn't look at the screen!"

"So you're admitting you did something?"

"Noo! I am merely pointing out e fact that this isn't my fault!"

"I still think it is, and until I am proved otherwise, I'm blaming you!"

Then Smiths phone started ringing and he answered, still glaring at me.

"Speak.... WHAT!...... She cant have!...... How did you let this happen!......... It was entirely your fault, you good for nothing twit!....... Sorry isn't good enough!..... WHAT! STOP HIM!!!!!...... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T! HE'S A FIFTEEN YEAR OLD BOY, OF COURSE YOU CAN STOP HIM!!!!............ NO? Well then I'll have to do it. I want the very best of you down here in ten seconds, she can be a handful." he up the phone down.

"What's going on?" I asked, curiously.

"Nothing you need to know about."

"Please, I won't tell anyone."

"I highly doubt you could even if you wanted to, I'm putting you in isolation until further notice."

"So I wasn't in isolation before?"

"Yes! And you're going back in there!"

"Fine" I said, then one of the guards walked in.

"Sorry I took so long sir, I was trying to locate the girl. The boy is still somewhere and he has others with him." said the guard

"Who are you?"

"I'm Matthew sir."

"I haven't seen you before,"

"I'm new sir, but I just qualified."

"Fine." smith said, before turning his attention to me and carrying on "You, stay put. Don't go anywhere. If I hear you have been the cause of any trouble for Matthew, I'm going to make you wish you were dead."

"Got cha loud and clear."

"Speak proper English, for goodness sake!"

"Why sorry good sir!"

"Never take the mickey out of me again."

"Sorry Smith."

"Watch the girl Matthew." he said before running of to fight some un-known enemy.

"So, ready to leave?" asked 'Matthew'.

I knew he wasn't Matthew, this was Becks. He was part of the resistance against Smith and also happened to be one of the best fighters, hand on hand combat I mean, that I have ever seen. And I have seen quite a few.

"I was waiting for you, Matthew." I said with a smirk.

"Well sorry, we were trying to work out how to get you out of here. It took a while."

"Have you got Luci?"

"Yes, and we have Damien."


"He's a big help. We need him, you know that."

"Yeah, you're right we do, and I know that. I just don't like him."

"Come on! We need to leave!" he said moving towards the door.

"Right you are!" I said following him.

We ran through the house, moving into doors and cupboards to avoid detection. We made it too the car and I sighed in relief.

"POYMOL! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" I heard Smith shouted from one of the windows. I was sitting in the back of a truck type thing.

"GOODBYE MR SMITH!!!!" I shouted over my shoulder.

Ok, that's not the end of this story thing. RachelJessie asked me what this story was called and I have decided to call it 'The Resistance' for reasons that will become clear later. Thanks for reading! X

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