Jan 8th

29 1 2

word of the day:


"You wouldn't be a fugitive of you didn't posses a skill that Smith needs." she said.

"And whose fault is it that he knows!"

"No ones. You were brought up together, he knows everything about you."

"But who gave me to him? After everything Father did for me - he kept me safe, he hid me, he let me use my powers to help people -, who sold me out to Smith."

"Me of course. I thought you'd remember. I seem to remember you throwing quite a tantrum."

I pulled a small shot gun out of Dani's hands and held it, pointing at the woman.

"Come on." she said "Wouldn't want to shoot your own mother now would you?"

Back to life, back to reality...

"I thought the same thing when you handed me over for a measly cup of sugar - but here we are, me a fugitives, you a deranged bitch." I said.

"I would say I'm sorry, but I'm not." said my 'mother'.

"Whatever." I said "Just go before you get shot."

"No, I'll stay where I am thanks."

"Suit yourself."

Then I shot her in the leg. Twice.

Yeah, it was mean of me but I don't recall saying I was a nice person.

"Come on." I said to the guys "Let's get out of here."

"Not so fast." said Smith, appearing with an entourage from behind a tree "You're going to have to come with me, you're all going to have to come with me."

"Make me you... Princox!" shouted Dani.

"Princox? Really not the time to bring into play the vast Shakespearean English, Mr Poymol." replied Smith.

"Fine." said Dani "Make me you dick head."

"Fine." said Smith "I will."

The guards walked towards us with an unwavering look of desire on their faces.

They wanted to take us.

"Luci. I'll shoot. You run. Dan, go with her." I shouted and started firing at the wall of guards in front of us.

"RUN!" I shouted.

Luci was off like a shot, dragging Lucinda behind her.

Dani followed, somewhat unwillingly.

"Becks! Get out of here!" I shouted.

"No Kemi. I'm here. I'm helping you."


"Fine, I'll do what you say. But I'll come back for you." he said before taking off in the same direction as my brother and sister.

"I'm sorry Day." I said.

"It's ok." he replied "I wouldn't have left anyway."

"Good." said Smith "Because you won't be going anywhere for a long long time."


Authors note


Did you like the way I chucked in a bit o' Shakespeare in there!

Lool, we did it in Drama and I was thinking about it as I wrote it and I put it.

What do you think Smith's going to do to Damien and Kemi?

Do you think they'll get away again?

What do you think Smiths going to do about his daughter?

VOMMENT! Please!

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