Jan 8th

49 2 0

Word of the day:Monster

I was screaming in the cage thing is was in. They were hurting my sister and there wasn't anything I could do. I sat and screamed over her screaming. I hadn't seen any one since I had been in here other than Smith. I still couldn't see my sister Luci, but I knew she was close. I could hear her as clear as day. I was crying and screaming for my sister but her cries didn't stop. No matter how loud I shouted and begged, it didn't stop. It would stop.

"Enjoying the show Miss Poymol?" he asked with a smirk on his fat little face.


"No, it's Smith. Maybe we should let you out of the cage for a little while. But then you might upset me. We wouldn't want you in the same position as you sister now would we?"

"I knew it was you, you bastard. I was calling you a MONSTER. Why are you doing this too her? What has she done?" I begged.

"Her? Nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Because you're torturing her!"

"Ahhh that, well, that's because we had the police knocking on the door asking if we had a computer, if they could see it, if any one else had used it, if we had downloaded any thing, and then they took the computer. With the files on it. And I knew punishing her would punish you more than cutting your arm open."

"How! My! Me! Sister! Nooo!"

"Oh shut up! I hate whining!"

"Hurt me instead!"

"Oh no, this is far more entertaining"

"This is...entertainment for you. You sick, sick man. You need help. My dad was right for what he did to you. Someone needs to lock you up."

"Oh, but you're the one in the cage."

"You're the one that put me in here."

"Ah yes, I put you in there. Remember who I am and where that puts you."

"I said that to my brother before you took me."

"Oh yes, I still need to punish you for shooting my guards."

"No, please don't!"

"Or I can carry on hurting your sister. Your choice."

"No, hurt me. What are you doing to her?"

"Oh your know soon enough."


"Good bye Miss Poymol."

"Good bye Smith."

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