Feb 23rd

23 1 0

Word of the day: involvement


"We're leaving." Said Carter.

"No you're not." Said Paris.

"We'll make you a deal..." Said Josh.

What kind of deal? I wondered.

Back to life, back to reality...

"What do you mean?" Asked Carter.

"I mean, you give me and Paris control of her and we don't tell Smith about your involvement." Said Josh.

"Take it or leave it Carter. I don't mind turning the pair of you in." Said Paris.

"Can you take this fucking blindfold off of me!" I shouted.

"Yeah, take her blindfold off." Said Paris "I want to see the fear in her eyes."

Sadistic much? I thought.

"Sadistic much?" I asked.

"Says the girl who shot Lucinda." Said Paris, her tone filled with hatred.

"Hey, blame Smith not me."

"Whatever. What do you say Carter?" Asked Paris.

"Can I say something?" I asked.

"No." Said Josh.

"So are you going to turn me in anyway?" I asked, ignoring Josh's answer.

"Yes." Said Paris.

"Then why are you even considering it?" I asked Carter.

"How do you know I was considering it?" He asked me.

"Because you hesitated. Now can you just take me to Smith?"

"You don't call the shoots here Poymol." Said Paris, then she pushed me.

"Neither do you, bitch." I said punching her round the face.

"I have more relevance than you." She said.

"Oh yeah! I forgot you were the best hacker in the country!"

"Whatever." She said, then punched me in the stomach.

"Wow," I said "bitch got claws."

She jumped at me, looking like the was going to try and rip my head off with her bear hands.

"Who's got claws now?" She asked as she scratched me.

"Wow. You really didn't get my past insult." I said with a smirk.

"Sorry to break this up ladies, truly I am, but we need to go to Smith." Said Josh.

"Yeah." I said "about that. I'm not really sure if I want to see him."

"You don't have a choice." Said Paris.

"Well you see, I think I do." I pulled the gun out of my back pocket that I had just stolen off of Paris.

"Right, no need to get hasty..." Said Josh.

"Let me go an I don't shoot." I said quickly.

"Fine." Said Josh "You win. But smith will catch you."

"I'll take my chances."

I walked out of the door of the basement where I was and looked right and left.

No one.

I moved down the corridor.

No one.

I tried to sneak out if a window...

And bam, Smith's there.

"Fuck you Smith." I said before I shot him. I had terrible aim so when I aimed for his heart I got his arm but oh well.

I walked towards the back gate.


For now.

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