Feb 4th

27 1 2

Word of the day: Uphold


I got out of the bed and followed Smith to the kitchen.

I saw people there.

In the hostage position.

Da Faq??

Back to life, back to reality... (back to normal)

"What's going on?!" I asked.

Day was there, holding a knife against some random guys throat.

Dani was there holding a gun to some idiots head.

Becks was there, holding a gun to a random girls backs.

But most surprisingly of all, Luci was there.

Holding a knife to someones throat.

That someone happened to be Smith's daughter.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE!" shouted smith.

"I don't think so." said Damien "You didn't uphold your end of the deal, so this is me going back on my half. You wanted Poymol, I gave her to you. You said I could have complete freedom. I wasn't granted it. We're taking back Kemi. Now."

Ohhhh, he was so assertive.

And... attractive.

It was wrong of me to be attracted to Damien.

I hated him usually but when he was caring and nice and sensitive and all those other good things, it was brilliant.

"YOU DON'T MAKE THE RULES DAMIEN! WHAT ABOUT YOU LUCI! I THOUGHT YOU LIKED IT HERE, I THOUGHT YOU LIKED LUCINDA!" shouted Smith, you could practically see the fear in his eyes.

His daughter was all he had, but I had no problem killing her.

"Phff, yeah Smith, you keep telling your self that. I've wanted out since day one, but you wouldn't let me. So I waited and now I can leave - but not without Kemi. Let us go without a fight or Lucinda goes bye bye." said Luci.


Even though I had only been away from her for a couple of says, she seemed to have grown into a much older person.

A much wiser person.

"NOOOOO! LUCINDA!" smith sobbed.

"You heard them Smith, let me go or Lucinda's dead." I said with a shrug.

"Fine, off you go then. But watch your back Poymol, I certainly will be."

Day, Becks, Dani and Luci all kept their hostages with them.

"They come out to the car with us and we let them go five miles down the road. Leave here in half an hour and we won't kill them. Follow us or leave before then and we keep them. All of them." said Dani.

"I understand - please, just don't hurt her!" Smith said.

Then realisation hit me.

He was weak.

Down inside, Smith was weaker than any of us.

And Lucinda was his weakness.

We made our way out to the truck - it was a pickup truck with an extra large cab. You could easily fit six people in it.

I hopped onto the back of it and sat down.

"I'll drive." said Becks "Luci, you get in the front with me."

Becks, his hostage, Luci and Lucinda got in the cab and Dani, his hostage, Damien and his hostage got in the back with me.

We started driving.

"I'm so so sorry Kemi." said Damien.

"Why?" I asked rudely. He'd handed me over to Smith so I had the right to be rude to him - I wasn't exactly a polite person anyway.

"For letting Smith have you. I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry. I didn't want him to have you. But he w going to kill my parents. We compromised on the deal I told you about - you for my freedom - but he killed my parents anyway and I was still a refugee. I came back for you. I didn't mean to leave you." said Day.


"Piss off. It's going to be a long time before I forgive you."

"SHUT UP!" Shouted Dani "IT'S THE COPS! Smith must have sent them!"

Well played Smith, well played.


Authors note


I know I said that this would be a long chapter and I know it isn't. SORRY!

I broke my finger earlier today when I was playing basket ball so typings a bit hard but I tried my best!

What do you thinks going to happen with the cops?

Do you think Kemi and everyone else will get caught?

What about their hostages?

Any thoughts on Lucinda?

X Charlotte x

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