Apr 3rd

10 0 0

Word of the day: wing

Before I had fully realised what I had done, I ran.

Out of his office, down the corridors, past the guards (who either didn't notice me or just thought I had accepted the ultimatum, or we were going to war), round the corners and into the hospital wing.

"DAY!" I screamed.

Day came hobbling round the corner on a pair of crutches.

"KEMI!" he screamed.

"DAY! Help!" I shouted.

"What?" he asked, "It's ok. Smith isn't horrible! He loves you! You're going to start the war!"

"But Day, I'm not."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think I'm ready to start a war."


"Is that it?"

"Yeah. Smith wont mind."

"oh, I do mind. I mind a lot!" Smith shouted, walking into the hospital wing.


Authors note


Sorry it's late. Not really fancied writing recently. Actually, the idea of visiting wattpad (for any other reason than replying to a comment) repulsed me. I'm back and April 4th will be up on a minuet.

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