Feb 20th

24 2 0

Word of the day: wall

I was sitting in a cell.

But everywhere ached.

Especially where I was bruised because Smith had basically attacked me.

The door opened and I looked up, delighted to have any kind of human contact.

Even if it was Smith. Or one of his guards.

It was one of his guards - Carter, the one that locked me in here.

"Hello. What a coincidence!" I exclaimed sarcastically.

"I know right!" He replied, matching my tone.

"What do you want?"

"Smith told me to check on you."

"You have. Now you can leave."

"Maybe I don't want to leave."

"Well then at least move! You're blocking my veiw!"

"Of what? The wall?" He asked me with a smirk.

"Yes. Yes, the wall." I replied poking my tongue out at him.

"Well then don't let me interrupt. I was only going to, oh I don't know, try and break you out!" He said.

"Why would you do that?" I asked cautiously.

"Because I hate Smith. More than anyone realises."

"Then why are you here?" I asked.

"Because my parents adored him."

He flicked his blonde hair and his sexy green eyes bore into mine.

"So you are going to help me?" I asked.


"And you aren't going to tell Smith?" I asked.

"Yeah." Said Carter

"And you're going to come with me then when we get away have sex with me?"


"I just got you to agree to have sex with me."

"I know what I said."


Authors note


So tired... Must finish chapter... Post before midnight...

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