Feb 27th

23 1 2

Word of the day: belt


"Sometimes I'm a nice person. Very rarely but sometimes." I sighed.

"Yeah, I know." Said someone from behind us.

I turned.

Oh you've got to be kidding me.

Back to life, back to reality...

"Thought you'd got away didn't you." She said.

"Yeah. I did." I said.

"What about you Carter?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did aswell. Now let us go." Carter said.

"Shame I'm going to take you back to him..."

"I don't think you are Paris." I said as I pulled my gun out of my trouser belt.

"Oh really?" Said Josh, appearing from behind a tree "Because I think she is."

They both pulled out their gun and pointed it straight at me.

Straight at me.

I raised my gun but I didn't know who to point it at.

"Don't do this..." Carter whispered to them.

"It's fine. I need to save day and Kris anyway. I need to go back." I said, feeling a lot braver than I actually was.

"But if they get their way, you won't go back there." He whispered, slowly walking over to me.

"What do you mean? Where else am I going to go?"

"Did the guns pointed at you not give you any kind of idea?" He asked.


Shit, I thought, they want to kill me.

"Go on then" I said.

"Don't you want to live?" Paris asked.

"You wouldn't shoot me. Smith wants me."

"Oh, that's where our opinions differ. I'm pretty sure I would shoot you..." Said Paris.

"Will the pair of you just shut up! Poymol, stop arguing with them! Even if they don't kill you, they can make your life hell!" Shouted Carter.

"Yeah, but she's a freaking bitch!" I shouted.

Next thing I knew, my hands were tied behind my back, I was gagged and I was being dragged along by Paris and another guard. Josh and someone else had Carter.

They opened the door and we were thrown onto the floor of an office.

Smith's office.

"What did you want from me Poymol! I'd kill-"

"Me if I wasn't so useful, yeah I get it. But I don't give a fuck. Let me see Day." I said as soon as the gag was off.

"Damien has been moved." He said.

"What do you mean? Where to?" I asked.

"To a prison in Italy. For life."

That was when I realised I loved Day.

When it was too late.

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