Chapter 79 - The gap between

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"Why would I give him our city!?" I snapped.

Jack sighed.

"Easy kid. Just hear me out."

As if he'll have a good reason...

"Do you remember that viral video going around with Helios comet fighting Icarus?"


"Well, Icarus lost that fight on purpose."

"Wait he what?"

"See, Helios comet is pretty much borderline S-Tier. Her reputation of violent and brutal deaths has made many shy away from attacking her."

"Well, he's being roasted all over the internet. I don't think it had the effect he was looking for."

"It did actually, think about it. If Stone defeated you, he would take this territory. Meaning he and his team would owned it."


"Geez, and here I thought you were the smart one." He huffed."Which means, unless you agreed to work as a representative for his territory. You wouldn't face the next challenger that came, they would."

It was like a light bulb turned on! Suddenly everything started to make sense.

"I see, so you're saying turn over my area to Arthur so all the challenges cycle back to him."

"Exactly, even if you fight as a representative, Arthur's people would feel inclined to assist."

"Is there a map on the app I can look at? With all the owned areas?"

"Yeah, if you can't understand the fancy contraption just ask Zack. He's grown pretty comfortable with it."

"What do you mean?"

"He's accepted challenges, joined Nirvana's secret group chat, and makes pretty trending posts."

I sighed.

"So he's like, social media famous?"

"Yeah, and so are you technically. You just...don't do anything."

"Hey I'm trying! I actually looked at my profile today!"

"Oh! How long did it take you to figure out the lockscreen?"

"Easy, I don't have a password. Anyways, can you give me a day to discuss it with my team?"

"That should be fine. Arthur said take as much time as you need."

"Right, and I'm curious now. Could Icarus really beat Helios comet?"

"Hhhmm, for sure."

"Seriously!? Could he fight Gilda or Rex too!?"

"Icarus strength lies within his knowledge of the enemy. If he wanted to kill Helios comet, I'm sure it would've been easy with prep time. Not to mention his ability is wind, Helios natural counter. Plus...I can tell when he's holding back. That video of him pisses me off because no one else can tell."

"So is that a yes then?"

"Why don't you call him and ask? I'm sure he'd be okay with sharing information on Rex and Gilda. Plus, you might find their account pages interesting."

"Right, I forgot I can search for them there."

"Good! You're learning! Any other questions?"

"Be honest, what class do you think Icarus is?" I asked.

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