Chapter 105 - Yang

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I stared down at the city below and watched the cars roll by. The setting sun bathed the world in its fiery glow and it was like staring at a painting. I took a breath and glanced over at the popsicles. To think, I took advantage of all those times we had together. Life really does change in the blink of an eye, huh? I didn't know the last time I'd spend time with Annual would be in the woods. And I definitely didn't think the last time I'd hangout with Jack, would be him yelling at me to get good. I chuckled a bit and opened the box of popsicles. Just like now, I don't know when the last time I'll see this city will be. I should really enjoy the moment.

"Eating without me huh? Dick move." Zack called out from behind.

I turned around and saw him coming from the doorway in the back. No air steps, no rocketing up here, not even a ride on Bean. He chose to walk up here. I wonder if he thinks this will be the last time here too?

"I don't want to hear that from you. The last time you got here first with the ice cream you practically ate the whole box."

He snickered and walked over to me and I tossed him a popsicle. Once he got over he sat next to me, and I took a bite of my popsicle.

"So, I take it Valentina didn't tell you about my little declaration of war?"

"No, she told me."

I took a bite of my popsicle and glanced at him. He squinted at me and unwrapped his popsicle.

"I'm surprised, I figured you'd be begging me to stop."

"I've learned to enjoy the small things in life. Moments like this, you never know when it'll ever happen again. So I'd at least like to remember this moment. Before we try to kill each other."

He chuckled and took a bite.

"So Wise sir Stryder."

We stayed silent for a bit. We ate our popsicle's and watched the sun begin to fade. The stench of cigarettes seeped off him, it reminded me of dad.

"You reek dude."

"Oh? You like it? I call it my Sauvage depression, Or maybe my life sucks GIO?"

"I call it, the hobo on the street stank."

"You'll understand when you're older."

"You're literally just a month older than me!"

"And it shows huh?"

"I freaking hate you..."

"I hate you two~."

Soon the sun faded and all I had in my hands was a stained stick. I set it beside me and watched as the cosmos took over the sky, bathing it in stars. Well, I can't avoid it anymore.

"So, you want to kill me huh?"

I glanced over at him, and his eyes were fixed on the sky.

"Yeah, to be honest. I've wanted to for a while."


"Don't pretend like you don't know."

"No, tell me. If you have the balls to tell me you're gonna set fire to my home. You can tell me why with your own damn words."

He growled and cocked his head toward me.

"It's because it's always about you! Annual abandoned me, because she loved you more. After years and years of doing whatever I could for her, her hope was you. Now she's dead, because she decided she loved you more."

"Don't be ridiculous Zack! She loved you more than anything else!"

"How would you know!? You barely talked to her when things got bad! You came in, got all of her hopes up! Then bam! You vanished. Who was there when you bailed? I was, who was there when she cried herself to sleep because you didn't have the balls to talk to her?"

"That's something I can never undo Zack. You don't have to believe me, but I am sorry."

"Then go rectify it with your life." He stood up and held out his hand, igniting it. I stood and faced him. "You broke my sister's heart, stole her away, killed a bunch of innocent people, who just happen to be in a gang, and got Jack killed. You're guilty!"

I took a breath and faced his eyes.

"So? I can redeem my sins by dying?"

"Yeah, clean up the trash and let one less monster run around. I know you smiled the entire time. You need to be put down. You stopped me when we were kids, but you can make up for it. Right here, right now."

He stepped closer, and reeled his arm back. I took a breath and snatched his wrist. He glared at me and shoved his hand forward.

"You know, a couple days ago, I tried to kill myself. I thought maybe if I died the world would be happier, that maybe if I didn't exist, things would be better."

"They would be! You shouldn't have been born! You're a freak!"

"I am a freak, but so what?" I threw his hand aside and he stumbled back.


"Zack, I accept who I am. I am a monster, yes, but I'm also a friend, and someone precious, and even a hero to some people."

"You're nothing but a failure."

"Yeah, that's a part of me too. I won't die for them. I'll live for them. Annual loved me, she thought even in my imperfections, I was something to cherish. Jack believed I'd become something great, that I was gonna be greater than him! Leo and the rest of the gang even believe in me because of my weakness. Even if I cry, or enjoy fighting. They accept that, that's me."

"So what? You got them killed and manned. Your like a cracked Bruce Wayne with stupid robins! You're probably gonna get them killed too!"

"Who knows what life has in store? All I can do is fight against that reality with everything I have. But, they made their choice. So I'll live for it. For their faith in someone like me. I believe I can be a hero."

"Then you'll die like one when I attack. You can't see your sickness. Then I'll be the drug that widdles you away."

He turned his fire off and grabbed the necklace around his neck.

"Annual told us before that we can do anything together. Zack, what you went through, I can't imagine how it felt. I also know that I hurt you and I won't shy away from that. I'm sorry, but I'm not who I used to be." I took a step toward him and held out my hand. "Let's work together to be better, we can't change the past. But we can change our future, I can accept that you hate me."

He opened his mouth, but not a word came out. He just stared at my hand like it was gonna bite. Then he slowly reached his hand out, and smacked my hand away.

"I don't need your help, I don't want to be saved. This necklace is a reminder of how you manipulate people. Consider graduation due day."

"Zack, I will protect our city, and our people. No matter the cost."

He chuckled.

"Oh, is that a threat, hero?"

I looked into his eyes.

"It's a promise."

He smirked.

"I bet you're just itching for a good fight. You psychopath." He turned around and walked to the edge of the roof. "Oh yeah, and tell Lux I'm sorry. For everything."

"Why don't you tell her yourself?"

"Because, the next time you see me. I'll be blowing up everything you care about. After tonight, not even she gets an exception." He said and suddenly vanished.

So, this was the last time, huh?

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