67. Practice

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You rapidly sat up, breathing heavily as you looked around, letting your mind come to terms with the fact that you were no longer dreaming. A sense of sadness overflowing within you at the realization you weren't on the beach, on a hot sunny day, surrounded by hot shirtless guys.

You groaned, slumping back onto your futon as you looked up at the ceiling, bringing your hand up to play with it as you glanced at your electric clock on your bookshelf.


You sighed, bringing both hands down as you mindlessly stared at the dark ceiling.

"Now what-" You began, getting interrupted by the grumbling of your stomach as you nodded.

You sat up again before fully standing up, quietly opening your door as you made your way past the rooms of your parents and brother in silence.

You tiptoed all the way to the kitchen, opening the fridge as you looked around for something edible.

You crouched, reaching for a juice box before looking back at the feeling of being watched.

You jumped in your spot, kicking the person behind you as he crouched down in pain.

"What-" You began, putting your voice down when you heard yourself echo "What the heck Tooru! Don't do that!"

He groaned, clutching his shin as he slowly nodded. "It's good to know you can protect yourself." He said, looking back up at you with a small smile and teary eyes.

You sighed, punching his arm as you stood up, poking the straw into the juice box and grabbing a bagged piece of bread Komori had sent you.

"Whaddaya want?" You asked, leaning against the kitchen counters as Tooru opened the fridge.

"Nothing, I just got hungry."

You hummed, following him with your eyes as he moved around the kitchen. Not getting a juice box like you but instead warming up a cup of tea, most likely to help him fall asleep again.

Once the tea was finished, he sat down on the small kitchen island, nodding you over as you followed.

You sat in comfortable silence, enjoying your snacks as the moonlight shining in from the opened windows or between the blinds illuminated the dark kitchen.

"How's practice been?"

You shrugged, chewing on the piece of bread in your mouth before answering. "Tiresome... I guess I got used to being pampered by my senpais so much that now that I am one... it's weird to lead other girls again."

Tooru hummed, taking a sip of tea before setting his mug down. "Well you were a captain before going back to being the youngest, you'll be fine, just give it time."

You nodded, sighing as you leaned forward to rest your arms on the island. "Yea but I guess being the baby is just engraved in me at this point." You said, drifting off as Tooru waited for you to elaborate. "I mean I'm the youngest in our family apart from Takeru, but even so, Nee-chan and Mamma and Pappa still baby me. I was the youngest in the team last year and all my senpais babied me too... I guess I got so accustomed to it that I don't know how to act like a leader anymore." You nodded, wincing when Tooru reached up to flick your forehead.

"You're thinking too deep into it. You just have to be yourself. A senpai just needs to encourage their underclass...women, you're not leading them to battle. Just be you, or if that's too hard, pretend you're helping out Takeru. Just that there are like ten Takeru's instead of one."

You puffed out a laugh, the puff turnt into a full on laugh as you slowly nodded.

"Yea alright. How about you? Captain Oikawa?"

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