(14) Home

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I wake up first, the TV is still on. I lay in Niall's arms, I cannot be bothered to move. 

"You alright kid?" He whispers softly in my ear.

"Yeah I'm fine," I mumble.

It is about 6 am, he talks me into a morning run before we have to get ready for Uni. I didn't want to at first but he kept calling me slow and we made it into a race sort of. Niall heads back to his house after our run, I don't want to be alone but we both have to get ready. I shower aimlessly, I don't want to face the day. I just want to hear back from my parents.

As I am getting ready my phone rings, it is Roxy

"Hey babe," I practically squeal into the phone.

"Hiya honey, how are you doing?" 

"Not great, apparently something has happened at The Lakes. My parents are there, I am worried. They decided to do some spontaneous camping." I explain

"I am sorry to hear that, want me to come back and give you company? I am sure they're fine," she is so sweet.

"I would love to see you, but I know you're busy. I miss you," 

"I miss you too, sorry I haven't been able to text. I have been super busy, I will call you tonight. I love you." 

"I love you too," I hang up smiling, I am glad she alright.

Today I decide to wear a maroon denim skirt with a white shirt, fishnet tights and converse. I pack my bag ready for University, I swear to do a full day today. I put my hair up in a high ponytail. I check my phone but nothing from Niall, I grab a slice of toast whilst I wait. As I am about to take a bite I hear a car outside. I race to the door, a taxi pulls up. My parents get out, I rush towards them embracing them.

"You alright hun? We were only gone a couple of weeks." My mother laughs.

"Have you not seen the news?" I tell them everything. They explain that the news outlet blew everything out of proportion and that it was a family out far not even close to where they were staying got lost and were apparently eating by wolves, I was somewhat relieved to hear this.

As I am about to leave my dad pulls me at the door.

"Jack, are you sure you are okay?"

"I am fine dad, I need to get to Uni. I also have a girl I am seeing, I would love for you guys to meet sometime when she's not away." I tell him, this excites him. They have been waiting for me to bring someone home for them to meet for so long. I am glad they are very accepting of my sexuality.

I leave the house and meet Niall at the bus stop, I fill him in on everything. He is almost as relieved as I was about my parents. He promises me to not go back to being mad about Roxy. I don't see why I should be shut out because of all of this. The bus journey is packed, we have to stand, we can't even talk to each other because we aren't in the speaking distance, people push and barge it makes me somewhat frustrated. People on buses can be so rude at times.  I am nudged by Niall, only to realize the bus had calmed down and everyone has been seated, he gestures to get off the bus, it takes me seconds to realize why, this is our stop. We walk together down the street.

"Are the others still pissed at me?" I ask before he leaves for his seminar

"Nope, just Connor but he's just got his own beef to deal with," He informs me and we bid farewell. I hope this means things are back to normal.

I attend my first lecture and seminar, boring but not too bad. I cannot find anyone on my break so I grab a coffee and sit on the grass on campus. My phone buzzes and its a text from dad:

Hey hun, wondering how you would feel if we sell the house? We are fancying moving abroad, the weather is crap here and work has offered both me and your mother a promotion. Thoughts? P.S Spagbol for tea!

I don't reply. What a weird thing to text, maybe they were spooked about the attack at The Lakes.  I am about to get up when Justin approaches me.

"Hey, Niall told us about the parents scare. You lot alright?" he speaks first.

"Yeah, we are fine. The parents want to move though, my heart is here." I tell him. We walk to the lecture together, he seems completely fine with me. We sit together in the big lecturer hall. We are both as bored as each other. 

The day flies by and soon enough I am back to eating Spaghetti with my parents, we talk about how I need to find my own independence and get a job. They're not wrong, I really should have moved out when  University started. They've told me I have got a month or so before the house goes on the market, I am a big girl now and I should make my own future. This very thought both excites and scares me.

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