(21) Funeral

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A couple of weeks have passed since the accident, today is the day of Zac's funeral. It will be the first time I have seen Niall, Justin, Jay and Connor since that day. Justin is leaving tomorrow, he wanted to stay for the funeral. Niall texts me most days, I don't hear anything from Connor. I don't think we are friends anymore, it's hard but sometimes you just have to accept these things. 

I imagine the others are just as nervous to see Jay as I am, he's lost all mobility in his legs. My dad's car pulls up outside of the funeral parlour. He squeezes my hand and wishes me luck. I step out to find Niall and Justin out front. We exchange in a quick hug. Connor arrives pushing Jay in his wheelchair. I hug him and he sighs deeply.

"It's nice to see you," He says, it's the only thing he says. His look is vacant.

Zac's family asked us to carry his coffin, Jay follows behind with his mother pushing his chair. We are all dressed in black suits.


The service was lovely. It really confirmed that we lost our friend, I don't think any of us wanted to believe it. We all sit together at the Wake, it feels painful.

"I am sorry but I have to go, guys, I have some last-minute packing to do," Justin says standing up.

"I wish you the best of luck, mate," I tell him as he hugs me goodbye

"I am going to get out of here too, I need to go home and look after Amber," Nialls leaves with him. Jay's mother comes over and takes Jay home too. 

Connor stares at me "I think you know we cannot be friends, I won't argue due to respect of Zac but I don't want you contacting me." and he stands up leaving me alone. I don't stay much longer, I share my condolences with Zac's family before I leave. As I am about to leave I am stopped, the old woman again. She says nothing but pushes something into the palm of my hand before disappearing.

It is a chain she gave me, it feels fragile entwined with my fingers, the charm is deceiving it looked like lips at first but it's a symbol, it's a lot lighter than it looks. I get a flashback to my last encounter with her: "Satan, Satan wants your soul! God bless you child you shall not survive!" What does this mean? I shove it in my back pocket.

I don't want to go home, I decide to walk to town. The cold wind bashes against my face making my hair dance in my face as I walk along the street. I stand outside the cafe. I need to see a friendly face.  

I slide into a booth near the window, Claire appears to take my order.

"Hey stranger," She flirts.

"Hey, fancy ordering us both a coffee and some cake? I could do with some company,"

"You do look like you're dressed for a funeral," she laughs. I say nothing, her face drops.

"oh god, I am sorry! I'll get that and I will come to join you, I knock off in five minutes anyways." 

She brings over our coffee and cakes and takes the seat in front of me.

"I am glad to see you, " She says

"I am sorry I didn't call, a lot has been going on," I tell her, I find myself pouring my heart out to her. We talk for hours until the cafe closes. We walk through town together.

"Would you like to come over to my flat?" She asks, I hesitate.

"Nothing like that," she laughs "I am making fajitas tonight, fancy some?" I agree and we walk to her place. She lives on the top floor, we take the lift. Her apartment is lovely, a colour scheme of pink and grey in her living room. Her kitchen is silver and black. I sit at her island counter as she cooks. 

"How old are you?" I ask, she seems like she's got her life together.

"I am twenty-three, moved here a couple of years ago. What about you?"

"I am Twenty, I have lived here all my life. Currently with my parents but they are wanting to move abroad."

"Are you moving with them?" she looks up with a sad look on her face

"No, I am looking for work and a new place, well I am supposed to be, but Uni and life stuff," I tell her. 

We get on lovely, the fajitas are incredible. We talk for hours, with no need to background noise. It gets late, I hold back a yawn. She moves in closer to me on her sofa. I stroke her cheek with my fingers as she leans into me. Our lips meet, soft wet kisses.  Butterflies erupt inside of me as our lips move in sync, my fingers caress her neck.. My heart raises rapidly, the beating is the only sound I can hear. Her arms slowly wrap around my neck, giving me the feeling of security. She pulls away leaving me breathless, I want more. 

"I should go," I tell her not meaning it, she smiles at me.

"Can I see you tomorrow? It is my day off," she asks.

I agree and she kisses me goodbye. Inside the taxi, I feel the excitement, something that I haven't felt in a while. I feel a burning sensation in my back pocket, I take the necklace out of my pocket and play with it in the palms of my hand. It burns me quickly leaving words imprinted on my skin 'property of Roxy'.

She's Just Like Satan, But Sexier!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora