(10) What The?

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My head is reeling with nausea. My body feels limp and heavy. A familiar taste runs down my dry throat. I've had this taste recently but I can't quite put my finger on it. My eyes shoot open quickly and I sit up wishing I hadn't. My body feels as cold as ice. I can't feel anything inside of me.

A gushing pain rushes through me as if my blood just suddenly started circulating around me faster and faster, it's quite peculiar. I stare down at my hands and arms they are a chalk white colour with a contrast of purple of blue. It reminds me of those fake dead bodies you see on television in those daft crime shows.

With a flash, my skin twitches and quickly absorbs back to my original colour. It daunts on me, where is Roxy? Anger boils within me but the memory of her fury frightens me to the point I'm dumbfounded and frozen to the spot. My stomach churns and my chest tightens. There feels like there is a heavy ball stuck in my throat and before I know it I'm sobbing my heart out. I lie down on the bed and cry into the pillow to muffle out the sound. That's when I realise I am in my room, on my bed and no longer in the kitchen.

I hear faint footsteps on the landing; it's her. The steps come to a halt at my bedroom door. I shudder as I try to hide my cries. She hurt me, on purpose. I bury my head deep into the pillow just hoping it will swallow me up and take me away from this fucked up mess. I hunch up in a small ball just hoping she will leave me alone. Footsteps move towards me. Fear trembles off me. I silently pray she won't hurt me.

"Jackie!" She says, her tone is harsh and strict.

I close my eyes tightly trapping in the never-ending tears. She sighs heavily, the bed creaks a little as she perches herself on the side closest to me. My breathing picks up and my heart quickens rapidly.

She lies beside me, she doesn't touch me. For this I am grateful. She reaches over to me, she places her hand underneath my chin and slowly makes me rise so I'm in sitting position.

Her other hand reaches out to touch my tear-stained cheek. I flinch. Her eyes filled with hurt.

"I-I'm s-so sorry!" She says.

She looks ashamed, embarrassed. I know she cannot be feeling as bad as I do. After everything she has put me through its the least she deserves. She looks innocent and enveloped with heart breaking sorrow. I almost feel sorry for her.  I look at her I want to reach out to her and put my hand on her shoulder, but I'm petrified of her reaction. I'm angry but something inside me changes, I can't stay mad at her even though she has put me through hell since the moment I met her.

Tears fall from her gloomy eyes, I glare at her tears. They aren't like mine; they look just like her blood. She sobs silently. This is so confusing. I now feel guilty, I have made her cry. It is my fault I shouldn't have said those things. I sit up and stare at her. 

She looks up and moves towards me on the bed.  She has a devilish grin purchased on her lips. I gulp scared of what's hiding behind that smile. Fangs? Her arms reach out for me. They wrap tightly around my waist. Her breathing gets a little heavier, my heart races a little.

She moves her head closer to mine.  I shut my eyes tightly not bearing to see her bite into me. I'm shocked as she plants her lips on mine. Her hands rise from my waist and into my hair. It takes a few seconds for me to react and kiss her back. My hands rest on her waist and moves up. My hands wander across her body. It's as if they are controlling themselves. She moans deep within the heated sensation. Her tongue traces my lower lip begging for an entrance. I can't help but grin as we kiss. I tease her a little and then allow entrance, her tongue traces over mine as I feel the sweet sensation of becoming turned on. 

She moans deeply. Her ass fits perfectly in my palm as if it's the only purpose was to be mine. Our breathing increases as we are both are rapidly getting turned on at each other. We pull apart out breathing heavy but all I can concentrate on is her.  My legs feel like jelly as she straddles me. I pull her dress over her head and throw it on the floor and allow my hands to explore her body. 

I chew on my lower lip, she leans over me, her body is beautiful.  She lowers head to mine and chews on my lower lip making me moan as her hands travel down me. I kiss her and pull off my clothes. We are both in our underwear we can't keep our eyes off each other's nakedness.

"Can I bite you?" She asks as her eyes plead for me to say yes.

"I get flashbacks to the kitchen" I panic.

"It won't hurt, I won't be vicious" She purrs.

"You won't kill me this time?"

"Nope, I promise! If you don't like it then just say stop and I will,"

I nod, I am glad she asked this time. I pull her close to me and kiss her deeply before she pierces my skin. It is sharp at first, I moan as she sucks on my neck. She licks my neck before swiftly kissing my lips,  then my forehead and everywhere on my face. She kisses my neck kissing her way down my body. She stops at my chest and massages my nipples with her tongue. I moan pleasurably.

She bites me between my thighs, the piercing fangs make my groin sensitive and wet. She kisses and sucks my inner thigh.

"Don't come...yet," She moans.

I mumble a groan as a yes. I feel myself building as she slides two fingers in,  she kisses down my thighs; she plants soft delicate kisses against my ankles and to my feet. She makes her way back up but this time her kisses are damp.

"You ready?" She purrs. I moan in response.

My chest heaves up and down. She chews lightly on my labia, her tongue flickers making my thighs shake. She bites my inner thigh again as I orgasm I scream in pleasure. She leaves me panting almost, that familiar feeling of euphoria washed over me. She kisses back up my body and plants her lips on mine before pulling away.

"How was that?" She purrs.

"Wow!" is all I manage.

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. I am sorry for everything, please forgive me?" She purrs as her sweet face lights up.

"Oh yes!" I purr as I sink my head into her chest. I guess one thing about if she hurts me she can always heal me.

"Don't worry I'm going to feed on you now!" She snarls.

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