(3) A Kiss

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Her lips on mine play through my mind like a record on repeat. She may be the best kisser I have ever come across. She has left me wanting more, was that real? I begin to question what just happened. I realise I have been in the bathroom way too long I leave so it doesn't look weird. My lips tingle from where her lips were, I feel ecstatic, alive and awake. It has to be real, right?

 I jump down most of the steps leading me to fall on my front at the last four steps. The boys all jolt up. I quickly bounce back up laughing. They look at me awkwardly. I sit back on the sofa brushing off the fact I just fell.

"Are you boy's going to eat or what?" I chirp as they stare at me cautiously.

I reach out for my food which sits on the cabinet beside me. I wolf it down feeling happy and excited. I have come so far since my eating disorder, I was never able to eat in front of anyone nevermind five men.

"Whoa, girl are you feeling alright?" Justin's chirps, his voice sounding huskier than usual.

"Yeah, I'm great!" I reply. The boys laugh at me in amusement.

We dig into our Chinese food. Man, this taste's so good. I devour my food causing the feeling of being bloated and ever so full, I feel tired but that happy full kind of tired. The boys are the opposite, Zac disappears to the kitchen quickly and brings out several cans of Monster. After Lost Boys, Connor puts on IT. He is a horror fiend. 

The night fades away and before we know it we are all camped out in all the separate spare rooms. I lay on the bed with only one thing on my mind; her! I just cannot figure out if it was real, but I haven't been drinking any alcohol tonight so I couldn't have imagined it.  I am disturbed by Justin pouncing on the bed. I don't move I just stare at the plain white ceiling grinning like a fool.

"Here I didn't know what to get for you to where for bed but here's one of my shirts and a pair of old boxers," He says nervously.

I sit up and smile at him,  "Thanks, Justin," I say as I reach across the bed and grabs the clothes.

I stand up and make my way to the far side of the room. I hear Justin move towards the bedroom door. I turn my back to him and take off my shirt. As I put on his shirt I can feel his eyes on my skin, it burns almost. His shirt is long on me, I take off my jeans. I don't bother to put on his short the shirt covers everything.  I turn to find him grinning at me.

"What?" I laugh.

"Nothing, it's just all the times I've seen you wearing my shirts many times but I've never noticed how cute you look," He flirts, he gets like this sometimes. 

I flash him a thank you smile and he leaves.

I check myself out in the full view mirror. I suppose I don't look too bad if you ignore the bags under my eyes. I could never really cope with staying awake past 2 AM.  Tiredness takes over me, I usually check on the boys and bid them all goodnight but I am too drawn to the double bed. I climb inside and find myself almost instantly in a slumber. I drift off...

We are lying on the bed in the spare room. Her soft lips collide with mine in perfect sync. Our lips touch and the sensation flows back from earlier. Her tongue slides across my lower lip begging for an entrance. Temptation takes over and I allow her tongue to join mine. Her tongue swishes over mine massaging it causing me to moan pleasurably. My hands start to wander.

I squeeze her thighs. She places her hands on my waist, I move back slightly. She follows not wanting to break the sweet kiss. We move from our sitting position to a lying down position with her lying on top of me. The hot feeling of her body on top of mine is phenomenal, I ache for her. Her hands wander across my body setting sparks off inside of me at her every touch. My hands flow through her soft red hair. I can feel her tender breasts against mine tempting me to touch them. My hands wander from her plump ass up to her waist and to the side of her breasts. She moans wanting me to go further.

My hand brushes her breast teasing her a little. I feel her grin deep within the kiss. I pick up the pace of the kiss and tackle her tongue with mine, which causes her to giggle.  I lean forward and press my lips against hers. We kiss deeply but only for a short amount of time. She pulls away licking her upper lip. I stare at her lips and chew on my lower lip. Her eyes light up.

I slowly climb on top of her. She grins at me in delight. I bite her lower lip making her moan. I nibble at her ear lobe causing her to lie back in relaxation. I kiss her neck making my way down her chest.  I kiss the top of her breasts, I am stopped by the hem of her shirt. She leans back on her arms and then sits up. She doesn't take her gorgeous green eyes off me. She grabs the rib of her shirt and pulls it over her head taking it off revealing her body. I am stunned at how amazing she looks. Her breasts look cosy in her pink lace bra; they are perfect I can't keep my eyes off them. She turns me on, I feel myself getting hot between my own thighs. 

Her hand cups my chin and lifts my head up so our eyes meet. "Your turn baby!" She flirts.

I grin at her and take off my shirt revealing my tanned torso. Her eyes move directly to my breasts. She traces my breasts and the outline of my black bra with her fingers. A little moan escapes from my lips, her hands run over my almost flat stomach. My skin feels like fire beneath her fingers.  She bites my lower lip and lies back. She takes a hold of my hand and presses it against her breast. I move so that I'm lying on top of her. She bites her lower lip and looks up at me with her sweet blue innocent eyes. I know exactly what she wants.

I kiss her roughly on the lips before kissing her neck and making my way down her body leaving a trail of love bites. I kiss the linen of her bra. I sit back on my knees; I grab her by her thighs and place her on my lap. She grins at me seductively. I kiss her neck as one of my hands slide up her back and unhook her bra. I then pull down the straps one by one removing the bra completely. I get a full view of her breasts. I slowly kiss one of her breasts causing her to moan loudly. I teaser her n*pple in my mouth, causing her to pull her head back and moan. I kiss and lick her n*pple causing her to squeal in pleasure. I suck on it enjoying the texture and the moans that escape her lips. 

I feel hot and bothered. I need her and I need her right now. She pushes me back onto the pillow and climbs on top of me. Her legs are down by my side as she rides my groin.

"You horny?" She purrs.

"You have no idea," I moan.

She presses her lips against mine as her hands wander down my body. Our tongues rub against each other hungrily. Her hand brushes past my breast causing me to moan, her hand then moves past my stomach and down to my underwear.  She massages my cl*t through the material.

"Oh god," I moan.

"Are you sure your okay with me doing this?" She asks.

"Hell yeah," I groan.

She slides her hands into my underwear making me moan like mad.  She giggles. She slides two fingers inside of me, I am soaking wet. I moan in pleasure. She presses her lips against mine and our tongues swish against one another. I bite her lip as move her thumb in a circular motion making me very sensitive. 

"Oh my god, I'm gonna ..." I moan in her ear.

She kisses me deeply and I can feel my back arching, my thighs shake. I moan as sensations run through all of my body.   I lie back relaxing, panting almost. 

"Did you enjoy that baby?" She flirts stroking my leg.

"Hell yeah you're the best," I flirt pulling her next to me. My arms wrap around her and we kiss and tease each other with our tongues.

 I wake up all hot and bothered, that was intense.  I check if the boys are awake, they don't seem to be.  I quickly head in the shower still feeling very turned on by my dream. The cold rays of water hit my face. The water calms me down and soothes my mind, a lot has happened in the last day or so. I cannot help but laugh at myself, I meet a girl and the very same night have a sex dream about her. That is a new record. All of this from a kiss?

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