(29) Missed This?

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"Babe can't I tempt you to come with? It will be good for you to get away," Claire says hanging around my shoulder, I hold her as the wind bashes against us.

"I would love to but I need to look for Zac, but don't worry you go have fun at your parent's house," I explain, the feeling is still raw from last night, being told that my best friend could possibly be kidnapped.

"Are you sure? I mean a week is a long time!"

"I'm sure, just call be when you land and every night before you sleep,now go have fun and tell the rent's I miss them!" I finally tell her, she grins.

"Okay!" She presses her lips against mine, neither of us move we just rest on one another, when she pulls away I can't help but feel a little sad, she gives me one last kiss and heads off to the ticket area, I am seriously going to miss her, but I need to at least try and look for Zac.

Before checking through the backage area she waves goodbye blowing kisses at me. I don't leave until she is gone, I love her to pieces but I know she will only distract me, with her soft lips and thighs.

Shaking my thoughts I head outside, where do I start? I tried calling Connor last night straight after the police officer called, no answer what so ever. He has been awol for a whiile now, known my luck he has dissapeared too.

I holler for a taxi, I don't know where to start. Perhaps I should go directly to Connor's house, hopefully he can help and we can both look for Zac together. Plus perhaps we can build some bridges, for Zac's sake.

The taxi pulls up at the end of the foot path. Paying him as I get out I take in the area. Surburban area, Connor's family loves community spirit. With all these surrounding houses no wonder Connor seemed to have so many different hook ups, lucky guy is surrounding in finery.

I feel nervous as I walk up the pink paved path. Flowers spring in the garden behind the large overgrown bushes. His house looks almost like a little doll house. The windows are all square, you can't see inside due to the heavy flower printed curtains.

At his door I stand contemplating on if this is the right decision, what if he doesn't want to know? If I keep this completely about Zac then we shouldn't really have a problem. Manning up, well as much as a girl can, I press the door bell. It rings noisly, almost piercing my ears, shoot I forgot how deadly it could be.

I wait, no answer. When I am just about to give up and leave the door opens, I turn to find Connor wide eyed staring at me.

"Jackie What are you doing here?" He finally blurts out after staring at me for about a minute.

"We need to talk it's important, it's about Zac," I tell him straight up. I look at him properly, his dark hair messed up, his eyes rimmed with tiredness, he is shirtless standing in his boxers, I can't help but grin to myself.

"Sure, come in," He says heading back inside.

Nervously I follow shutting the door behind me, his sitting room is shaded as the curtains are closed. You can just see the lime green walls.

"I need to get dressed," He mutters as I ogle at his body. Before he goes I grab his shoulder.

"What's happened to you? You look rough," I tell him honestly, he sighs walking past me and sitting down on the couch, I join him.

"I've been hiding," He mutters looking down at his hands, I grab one of them to hold, reassurance for him.

"From who?" I ask curiously.

"Roxy..." his eyes glaze over as he looks at me.

"Why? What has she done to you?"

"She told me that she would kill all my family right in front of me, she said she would ruin everything I have ever known, the whole city..." He words hold sorrow.

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